The Poles are Changing and our Government knows.

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Our Magnetic North and South are changing and out Government knows it. that's why all the underground what is called Dumb (deep underground Military Bases) are being made by the hundreds, Although most won't have access to them, I am guessing we will find a way to. Because when this happens we will be exposed to to Our Sun's Radiation that's going to Kill most everything on the Planet.
It's not a theory anymore there has been some findings that are pretty Positive about what's happening.

Earth's Magnetic Field Could Flip in Our Lifetime
By Kelly Dickerson, Staff Writer | October 17, 2014 01:20pm ET

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Earth's magnetic poles could flip sooner than originally expected.
Credit: UC Berkeley

A pilot looking down at her plane controls and realizing magnetic north is hovering somewhere over Antarctica may sound like a scene from a science-fiction movie, but new research suggests the idea isn't so far-fetched in the relatively near future.

A magnetic field shift is old news. Around 800,000 years ago, magnetic north hovered over Antarctica and reindeer lived in magnetic south. The poles have flipped several times throughout Earth's history. Scientists have estimated that a flip cycle starts with the magnetic field weakening over the span of a few thousand years, then the poles flip and the field springs back up to full strength again. However, a new study shows that the last time the Earth's poles flipped, it only took 100 years for the reversal to happen.

The Earth's magnetic field is in a weakening stage right now. Data collected this summer by a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite suggests the field is weakening 10 times faster than scientists originally thought. They predicted a flip could come within the next couple thousand years. It turns out that might be a very liberal estimate, scientists now say. [Infographic: Explore Earth's Atmosphere Top to Bottom]

We don't know whether the next reversal will occur as suddenly as this [previous] one did, but we also don't know that it won't," Paul Renne, director of the Geochronology Center at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement.

Geologists still are not sure what causes the planet's magnetic field to flip direction. Earth's iron core acts like a giant magnet and generates the magnetic field that envelops the planet. This helps protect against blasts of radiation that erupt from the sun and sometimes hurtle toward Earth. A weakening magnetic field could interrupt power grids and radio communication, and douse the planet in unusually high levels of radiation.

While the ESA satellite studied the magnetic field from above, Renne and a team of researchers studied it from below. The researchers dug through ancient lake sediments exposed at the base of the Apennine Mountains in Italy. Ash layers from long-ago volcanic eruptions are mixed into the sediment. The ash is made of magnetically sensitive minerals that hold traces of Earth's magnetic field lines, and the researchers were able to measure the direction the field was pointing.

Renne and colleagues then used a technique called argon-argon dating — which works because radioactive potassium-40 decays into argon-40 at a known rate — to determine the age of the rock sediment. The layers built up over a 10,000-year period, and the researchers could pinpoint where the poles flipped in the rock layers. The last flip happened around 786,000 years ago.

Sudden swap

The sediment layers also showed the magnetic field was unstable for about 6,000 years before the abrupt flip-flop. The period of instability included two low points in the field's strength, each of which lasted about 2,000 years.

Geologists don't know where the magnetic field is now in that reversal timescale or if this flip will even follow the same pattern as the last. The bottom line is that no one is sure when it's coming.

"We don't really know whether the next reversal is going to resemble the last one, so it's impossible to say whether we're just seeing the first of possibly several excursions (slight movements), or a true reversal," Renne told Live Science in an email.

Magnetic doomsday?

While a pole flip could cause a few technical issues, there's no need to panic. Scientists have combed the geological timeline for any evidence of catastrophes that might be related to a magnetic flip. They haven't found any.

The only havoc that a reversal would wreak is interference in the global electric grid. No direct evidence remains of past catastrophes triggered by a magnetic flip.

However, if the magnetic field weakens enough or temporarily disappears during the flip, then the Earth could be hit with dangerous amounts of solar radiation and cosmic rays. The exposure could mean that more people develop cancer, Renne said, though there's no scientific proof this could happen.

Renne said more research is needed to understand the possible consequences of a shifting magnetic pole.

The new study will be published in the November issue of the Geophysical Journal International.

Follow Kelly Dickerson on Twitter. Follow us @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Original article on Live Science.


Sounds about right, don't worry about it until it happens. then we can figure it out, when we can't even go outside because the sun will cook us.
Frig, we're half-way there already with Climate Change (a more immediate concern IMO).
It is and I do agree with that, we really need to look at this and not wait until the last minute Our Children are counting on us to have a planet to live on without the hassles that we created for them. I really hope we get er figured out before there no turning back.
I agree but think it's too late to stop it. When the frozen methane in the ice escapes it's game over.

This could almost be a political post, because the gubment controls EPA sheet and are in full reverse on policies right now.
Well I sure hope it's not to late, I am can't confirm if it is, but i am sure it's close, I see the methane releasing in the triangle with a pretty consistent pace. I can only hope we haven't came to far along with the most of the normal folks out here. I believe in my heart people like us and most on sites like these want to fix things like this but we have no control over what we believe is happening. company just came in. keep on trying is all we can do. Thanks for at least talking about it..
Changes in the planet's magnetic polarity are normal. The time frame is pretty long. Can't remember exactly how long it is between flips in the past. But it has never happened when there were so much hardware in orbit before. Lots of stuff won't work. Dumb bases are a smart idea.
I agree but think it's too late to stop it. When the frozen methane in the ice escapes it's game over.

This could almost be a political post, because the gubment controls EPA sheet and are in full reverse on policies right now.
So glad to see nothing has changed. Still some super dumb people here at RI. -295 degrees F is the freezing point of methane. The North Pole and Polaris is the magnetic center and that has never changed or will it. :dunce:
The North Pole and Polaris....and that has never changed or will it.

You should start watching The Discovery Channel.

"Due to precession, the stars change their relative position over time. In 3000 BC, for instance, Thuban in the constellation Draco was the ‘north star’, and though Polaris was close enough to the north celestial pole to navigate by, it didn’t actually “arrive” in position until the 5th or 6th Century. As it stands, Polaris will be our closest marker until around 3000 AD when Gamma Cephei in the constellation Cepheus will more closely mark the pole." - Astronomy Trek
While a pole flip could cause a few technical issues, there's no need to panic. Scientists have combed the geological timeline for any evidence of catastrophes that might be related to a magnetic flip. They haven't found any.

The only havoc that a reversal would wreak is interference in the global electric grid. No direct evidence remains of past catastrophes triggered by a magnetic flip.

However, if the magnetic field weakens enough or temporarily disappears during the flip, then the Earth could be hit with dangerous amounts of solar radiation and cosmic rays. The exposure could mean that more people develop cancer, Renne said, though there's no scientific proof this could happen.
do you read the shit you post past the first line? YOU posted this....and didn't read the whole thing, apparently,

because when this happens we will be exposed to to Our Sun's Radiation that's going to Kill most everything on the Planet.

see the incongruity? see how the people you are citing say exactly the opposite of what you're saying? that's the reason you want to read a whole article before citing it...even though reading is hard.....
The spin of the earth is a wobble. So why wouldn't our magnetic field change.
i don't think the spin of the earth has much to do with it. i think shifts in the iron core of the planet probably account for most of it. the core is much heavier than the material around it, and it shifts at a different speed. eventually the "envelope" of the earth shifts past the slower turning core, enough for it to become apparent to us, even though it's always happening, we don't notice it until the effect reaches a certain point.
so i don't think the magnetic pole is actually "moving"...i think the planet is moving past the magnetic north pole...
i don't think the spin of the earth has much to do with it. i think shifts in the iron core of the planet probably account for most of it. the core is much heavier than the material around it, and it shifts at a different speed. eventually the "envelope" of the earth shifts past the slower turning core, enough for it to become apparent to us, even though it's always happening, we don't notice it until the effect reaches a certain point.
so i don't think the magnetic pole is actually "moving"...i think the planet is moving past the magnetic north pole...
Well that just supports my observation then, the iron core not spinning at the same rate as the wobble cause variations in the poles position.
You should start watching The Discovery Channel.

"Due to precession, the stars change their relative position over time. In 3000 BC, for instance, Thuban in the constellation Draco was the ‘north star’, and though Polaris was close enough to the north celestial pole to navigate by, it didn’t actually “arrive” in position until the 5th or 6th Century. As it stands, Polaris will be our closest marker until around 3000 AD when Gamma Cephei in the constellation Cepheus will more closely mark the pole." - Astronomy Trek
and its pear shaped too right? Read Terra Firma.
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