The Police came to my house


I am a small grower in Southern California Orange County area. I have four 600 watt lights with 36 plants total. Yesterday the local police dropped in and told me I need to downsize to the legal limit. They said they would give me a few days to do this. I have nosy neighbors and am not growing in the right location. The police informed me that the neighbors were the cause of the complaint. My Question is at the same time how many plants total can I have in Vegetative stage and how many I can have in flowering total??
The police did not arrest me. But will be back to see the downsize.


Well-Known Member
I am a small grower in Southern California Orange County area. I have four 600 watt lights with 36 plants total. Yesterday the local police dropped in and told me I need to downsize to the legal limit. They said they would give me a few days to do this. I have nosy neighbors and am not growing in the right location. The police informed me that the neighbors were the cause of the complaint. My Question is at the same time how many plants total can I have in Vegetative stage and how many I can have in flowering total??
The police did not arrest me. But will be back to see the downsize.
U are a "legal" grower in Cali but don't know ur limit?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure but it should say somewhere in your paperwork what your limit is. It seems to me that somethings fishy here, it seems someone complained about smell how would they know your over limit from smell? Just buy a carbon filter and when if they return tell them first off they will require a warrent to enter your house and second your within your limit and your neighbors need to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
The number 1 rule when dealing with police is:

Do NOT answer the door, you are under zero obligation to do so.

If the assholes had a warrant, they wouldn't be knocking.

Hope this turns out OK for you, you need new neighbors!.


Well-Known Member
I'm not from California, but I'm sure the cops just can't waltz into your home, grow or not, and do an inspection. Unless you let them or they have a search warrant or are chasing a criminal that enters your home.


Well-Known Member
I'm not from California, but I'm sure the cops just can't waltz into your home, grow or not, and do an inspection. Unless you let them or they have a search warrant or are chasing a criminal that enters your home.
Correct, the police did what is called a knock and talk to the OP. Once they gain access to the home they lie, threaten owners, and look for reasonable suspicion.

If they see you looking out the window and not answering, tell them you don't answer for the police...and they have to leave.


Active Member
I'm not from California, but I'm sure the cops just can't waltz into your home, grow or not, and do an inspection. Unless you let them or they have a search warrant or are chasing a criminal that enters your home.
Im going to assume his "nosy neighbors" probably smelled his grow or there was something that made it obvious it was happening which would give the police probable cause in a normal situation. Im not sure how it works with medical cards and whether or not the same rules apply.


Active Member
Correct, the police did what is called a knock and talk to the OP. Once they gain access to the home they lie, threaten owners, and look for reasonable suspicion.

If they see you looking out the window and not answering, tell them you don't answer for the police...and they have to leave.
As I posted above if it was that obvious to his neighbors he was growing it probably is to the police as well which would give them probable cause.


New Member
I prefer to find out what the fuck they want and by doing so I use another door or speak out a window .. It really pisses them off when you know your rights hahahaha

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Cultivation of any amount of marijuana is a felony in CA not only under federal law but state as well, BUT, state laws allow cultivation for personal use as long as intent to sell doesn't exist. Being there are no fixed plant number limits the police or law agency who addresses you on this issue has the discretion to decide how many is too many. If you wish to avoid a possible felony I suggest you comply.


I was leaving so I opened the garage door so they surprised me and said if I dont let them in, they would be back with a warrant in 7 hours. They told me they will not arrest me if I show them my operation so I let them in.


Well-Known Member
I was leaving so I opened the garage door so they surprised me and said if I dont let them in, they would be back with a warrant in 7 hours. They told me they will not arrest me if I show them my operation so I let them in.
That's what they always say(whether or not any operation even exists), now it's too late...cooperate.


Well-Known Member
ummm..look your laws up and post em with your license if necessary there on the grow.


Well-Known Member
Police are trained to lie to you. If you open the door they can say they smelled something and that is all they need.
Do not believe the police, they do not care about you at all.