The prayer for sobriety and pledge to not do drugs thread


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone this is it, I'm praying for you all and hoping that you will join me in sobriety and praying for others to become and remain sober, I pray everyone on the forum and in the universe to stop doing drugs and for those who haven't to never try them and I ask you all to make a pledge to not do drugs and join in this thread.
Make your pledge here and join the thread. If everyone joins in and stops doing bad stuff we can be friends, but if your doing bad stuff I don't want to talk to you.
I don't like negativity and I love God and the gift of life and my mind and all the natural beauty. Will you join me in enjoying this blessing


Ok everyone this is it, I'm praying for you all and hoping that you will join me in sobriety and praying for others to become and remain sober, I pray everyone on the forum and in the universe to stop doing drugs and for those who haven't to never try them and I ask you all to make a pledge to not do drugs and join in this thread.
Make your pledge here and join the thread. If everyone joins in and stops doing bad stuff we can be friends, but if your doing bad stuff I don't want to talk to you.
I don't like negativity and I love God and the gift of life and my mind and all the natural beauty. Will you join me in enjoying this blessing
Sorry but I smoke pot yo ;(

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Can I still smoke pot? If I can still smoke pot then i'm in. And a couple of drinks every now and again. Like the 4th of July and shit. Oh! And . . . my anti anxiety, anti depressants, and anti psychotics. Can't quit taking those . . .
But yeah, besides that i'm down!


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone this is it, I'm praying for you all and hoping that you will join me in sobriety and praying for others to become and remain sober, I pray everyone on the forum and in the universe to stop doing drugs and for those who haven't to never try them and I ask you all to make a pledge to not do drugs and join in this thread.
Make your pledge here and join the thread. If everyone joins in and stops doing bad stuff we can be friends, but if your doing bad stuff I don't want to talk to you.
I don't like negativity and I love God and the gift of life and my mind and all the natural beauty. Will you join me in enjoying this blessing

I'd vote for you, as president. But, I'm pretty sure that by now you've racked up at least 1 "felony or treasonous act."


Can I still smoke pot? If I can still smoke pot then i'm in. And a couple of drinks every now and again. Like the 4th of July and shit. Oh! And . . . my anti anxiety, anti depressants, and anti psychotics. Can't quit taking those . . .
But yeah, besides that i'm down!
By all means don't quit taking those.


Ursus marijanus
Ok everyone this is it, I'm praying for you all and hoping that you will join me in sobriety and praying for others to become and remain sober, I pray everyone on the forum and in the universe to stop doing drugs and for those who haven't to never try them and I ask you all to make a pledge to not do drugs and join in this thread.
Make your pledge here and join the thread. If everyone joins in and stops doing bad stuff we can be friends, but if your doing bad stuff I don't want to talk to you.
I don't like negativity and I love God and the gift of life and my mind and all the natural beauty. Will you join me in enjoying this blessing
I on the other hand dedicate this galaxy of dimensional traveling aids to the fervent, sincere and benevolent hope that you might be rescued from praying. Filthy habit. cn


Well-Known Member
beardo this thread needs to be put away. we all came here to smoke weed. nothing will stop us. there is nothing wrong with it. go sober if you want, but go alone. this isnt a suicide clan who drinks fruit punch and dies. your going to go to work and come home anyway, theres no different between the sober and not. we all come home at the end of the day.please go away with this message of giving up the one thing that makes life feel better.