the proper way to run ducting(cooled reflector hoods)

If i were to run ducting from another room to cool my lights, can I run them to another room and not worry about the smell? Will it pick up any scent on the way through? What would you guys do? I had a couple thoughts about how to run the ducting-I was thinking about directing the exhaust from the bulbs in the direction of my room exhaust and then I wouldnt have to worrry about it. I'll be using 1000W lights with these reflectors:

also, anyone have any experience with this hood? this is my first room I am setting up
I've never used that hood, but it looks like it should seal well. And if everything is sealed it is best to just to just suck air from outside the rm thru the hood and out of the room. Should have no sent issues.
If i were to run ducting from another room to cool my lights, can I run them to another room and not worry about the smell? Will it pick up any scent on the way through? What would you guys do? I had a couple thoughts about how to run the ducting-I was thinking about directing the exhaust from the bulbs in the direction of my room exhaust and then I wouldnt have to worrry about it. I'll be using 1000W lights with these reflectors:

also, anyone have any experience with this hood? this is my first room I am setting up

I have a Big Kahuna, which is similar. It leaked badly. It sucked all the CO2 out of the tent in 15 minutes. The gaskets for both the tubes and the glass leak. The tubes are pop riveted to the flanges and leak thru the center of the rivets. The glass gaskets were badly applied and had to be replaced. The vent tube gaskets leaked so bad they whistled! I sealed the tubes up with a LOT of DAP 3.0 sealant around the flanges and on every rivet. Now it will be very difficult to rearrange the vent tubes if needed. If you don't fix the leaks, you'll pull the smell thru the light hood into the other room. The Big Kahuna is very heavy, twice the weight of my Blockbuster 6". The Mogul socket is NOT included with these lights, but I got them to toss in a free one anyway. The adjustable light bracket did center the bulb, which is a plus. I would buy another Blockbuster 6", if I got a do-over. It's cheaper (if you have to buy the socket for the HTGsupply hood), lighter, seals well without modification, and seems to have a nearly identical footprint.
Your venting arrangement will warm up the whole house which could be good or bad. Good in Winter, bad in Summer.

Hope this helps.
I feel like with every air cooled reflector there is leaks or has the potential to leak no matter how much you spend as evident from the previous poster. If you're set on getting one get a crappy one as you're going to have to mod it to work properly anyways.

I'd imagine a cooltube would be better as the only openings would have flex duct over each end. You could make your own batwing parabolic reflector out of like a 20 dollar gauge sheet metal and will allow you to get as big of a spread as you want. A good cool tube substitute is bake-a-round baking cylinders. They're made of pyrex and can be had for 10 dollars shipped on ebay. They're discontinued so you cannot buy new. But compared to 90 new for one with a crap reflector. Get a mogul socket and some wiring and some duct clamps and you gotchur self a great reflector thats smell proof and will run you about 50 dollars.

There's DIY's all over this site. I paid 90 for my 6" xtrasun and wish I had went the route mentioned. I can feel air being sucked in if I put my hand near the door hinge. I'm sure I could make it air tight with a better gasket and i'm positive I could make it leakproof by running some tape around the edges. But then I have to cut it when I want to change bulbs. I also need the heat my lamps produce so I leave it exhausting into the room which gets sucked out through my main exhaust.

I'd much rather loosen the duct clamp and slide off the duct unscrew the bulb, screw new one in, loosen clamp slide back over tube and release.
I use a SUNLIGHT SUPPLY BLOCKBUSTER 6" done a smoke test when I set it up and after every harvest and no leaks after 6 months use so far.

I also have it setup with its own intake.
