The Psychedelic Experience


Active Member
I remember a thread awhile ago that Karmapuff started. he said he was going to be sitting a few people while on L and was asking questions about it. Pufferfish responded and posted this amazing book called The Psychedelic Experience. I just want to say thank you pufferfish for posting this great book. I have learned and gained so much knowledge that i feel ill be able to handle any situation that i may be put it. For anyone who hasn't read this please do so.

The idea that one could experiment with psychedelic substances LEGITIMATELY is very inspiring! Perhaps one day, I might be on the professional side, and have the opportunity to do some research which would benefit a good amount of society....

But until then, I'll stick to dropping acid and partying my ass off!

I'll definitely read this next time I get a chance!
The idea that one could experiment with psychedelic substances LEGITIMATELY is very inspiring! Perhaps one day, I might be on the professional side, and have the opportunity to do some research which would benefit a good amount of society....

But until then, I'll stick to dropping acid and partying my ass off!

I'll definitely read this next time I get a chance!

definitely do so man. Its well worth the time.
Thx to you guys for making this guide possible. I was on L not 4 days ago and I had a blast. I had this big ass smile on my face for half the night and the visuals were excellent. When I closed my eyes really hard it felt like I was looking through a window into aurora borealis (sp) and sitting first row on a rollercoast ramp 200 feet up in the sky about to fall down a big ass drop at high speed. I even felt like some spirits were talking to me, but I didn't provoke that, I think the L did. I hope I don't burn out my brain, but I fuckin' love Ellis D.
ANC gets quoted again .... Would YOU LOOK @ that !!
GoD ... this is Outstanding ... cause HE is GoD !!
And I am smiling !

im gonna have to check that book out too. man, what i wouldnt give to rummage through your library puffer. i just started Aldous Huxley's Brave New World again. i really want sum of mckenna and strassmans work to read. i havent had the pleaseure of feeding my brain any of there great titles yet.
I hope BBQ will find the time to read this publication ... as he was asking about How to get OUT of Loops .while tripping ... it is all in there !
Bandit ... my library is digital in many formats .... comprised of stacks upon stacks ... but easily burned ONto a plastic disk or two or three ...
Perhaps one day I will send YOU an UN-birthday copy of these stacks !

Please Puffer, I appreciate the notion but I have long since learned to change those "feelings of misery" into a grin to both ears, both in trip and daily.

I infact embrace all facets of the trip. IT FANATSTIC!:D
I remember a thread awhile ago that Karmapuff started. he said he was going to be sitting a few people while on L and was asking questions about it. Pufferfish responded and posted this amazing book called The Psychedelic Experience. I just want to say thank you pufferfish for posting this great book. I have learned and gained so much knowledge that i feel ill be able to handle any situation that i may be put it. For anyone who hasn't read this please do so.


Good read, thanks man :)
i started my own thread that goes along this subject.

i wrote it all myself from past experience AND non stop day to day research.
I wrote it in a way that it is easier to understand.

i hope you all enjoy.
because I enjoy it myself. :)

The Effects of Tripping
the more I read about the examples of psychedelic crisis...

the more I figure out and relate to my own past experience...

it seems that EVERYONE that has reported AFTER days of the "bad trip"...
they all want to make something of their life.

Follow Up after Math

User has 'gotten over' any trauma

Motivation to make life changes

Considers mind 'expanded' and views change as positive

On last update, after ~a week in the psyche ward he can talk normally and acts sane, progress being made every day, mentions wanting to make something of his life

"after jamming on his guitar reflecting he feels a little more clear in the direction in which to take his life"

there is a lot more but the more I think about it.
even bad trips teach you something and makes you reflect on your life RIGHT NOW.

as much as psychedelic crisis needs to be prevented.
there is something that comes good from ANY bad trip.
i think the exact same thing. ive always felt that way about a bad trip. when someone has a bad trip i think maybe it was suppose to happen. its not the drug but the state your mind is in when you ingest it.