The rampaging


New Member
The rampaging bull in "Percy Jackson: ocean of Monsters" looks like certain thing an 11-year-old young man might draw on the back of his numbers homework, when he should be giving attention to his educator instead.

The villainous beast is gold, has steampunk innards and opens its mouth to disclose a monster flamethrower. This awful guy is overseer, rad, hella sweet or whatever the sixth-grader slang is for cooling in 2013.

The identical can be said for much of the second "Percy Jackson" movie, which is outgunned by summer videos with bigger allowances and bigger titles in the cast. Pierce Brosnan doesn't come back, leaving Stanley Tucci as the large-scale celebrity. But the sequel effectively executes its easy dream - to supply clever PG entertainment for preteens whose parents are too firm to let them watch "The Wolverine."

Logan Lerman comes back as Percy, the son of Poseidon, who hangs in bivouac Half-Blood with other teenage god-spawn and truly incredible animals. The tree-deity that defends this little retreat of storming hormones is endangered, so Percy and his friends proceed on a excursion to seek the healing forces of a Golden Fleece.

"Sea of Monsters," based on the Rick Riordan juvenile mature person novel, weaves Greek mythology with up to date updates. Tucci as Dionysus is the camp controller. God of business and speed Hermes - a nice cameo by Nathan Fillion - runs the overnight consignment business Olympic Postal Service. When our heroes should gale a vessel, it's a luxury yacht. They come to their destination on the back of a hippocampus, which examines like the outcome of an amorous relationship between a racehorse and a rainbow trout.

The exceptional consequences rarely fall closer to "Sharknado" than "Pacific Rim," but controller Thor Freudenthal does a good job of stretching the allowance. A flashback scene is animated with a stained glass method. A monster obstacle-course play structure, reminiscent of TV's "Wipeout," is an productive practical effect.

Early scenes take the orphan fantasies of Harry Potter and the X-Men, and up the ante. Most of these kids have a god for a dad and a mother who is absolutely out of the picture. (We didn't even see any care packages topped up with cookies and new underwear sent to Camp Half-Blood.) A infamous hard-partying wine drinker sprints the camp. What 12-year-old in the assembly wouldn't signal up for that?

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