The Red State in Your Future

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The Red State in Your Future

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Voters around the country are concluding it’s better to be red than dead—applying a whole meaning to an old phrase. If you do not currently live in a red state, there’s a good chance you will be in the near future. Either you will flee to a red state or a red state will come to you—because voters fed up with blue-state fiscal irresponsibility will elect candidates who promise to pass red-state policies.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 25 state legislatures are controlled by Republicans and 16 by Democrats, with eight split (i.e., each party controlling one house). There are 29 Republican governors and 20 Democrats, with one independent. And there are 20 states where Republicans control both the legislature and governor’s mansion vs. 11 Democratic, with 18 split (one party controls the governor’s office and the other the legislature).
And though we are a year away from the 2012 election, generic Republican vs. Democratic polls have given Republicans the edge for more than a year. If that pattern holds—and if blue-state leaders refuse to learn from their policy mistakes, just like their true-blue leader in the White House—it likely means there will be even more red states in 2013.
One reason for that shift is that red states are taking fiscal responsibility while many blue states aren’t—and it shows. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a bipartisan association of conservative state legislators, recently released its fourth edition of “Rich States, Poor States,” by the well-known Reagan economist Arthur B. Laffer, the Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore, and Jonathan Williams of ALEC.
The study looks at factors that affect state prosperity and economic outlook, such as tax burdens and population change. What’s clear is that red or red-leaning states dominate the top positions while blue states have the dubious distinction of dragging in last. In the economic outlook section, for example, the top 20 states are bright red or lean red, while eight out of the bottom 10 are very blue: New York, Vermont, California, Hawaii, New Jersey, Illinois, Oregon and Rhode Island.
Most of the “poor states” states, as ALEC calls them, have the highest personal income tax rates and the largest unfunded state pension liabilities. But instead of taking the red-state approach by lowering taxes and/or cutting spending, the blue states tend to want to raise taxes even higher, just like their White House mentor.
The result of their overpromising and overspending, and their knee-jerk response to solving their fiscal problems by raising taxes, is that people are increasingly fleeing the blue states. As commentator Michael Medved points out: “Between 2009 and 2010 the five biggest losers in terms of ‘residents lost to other states’ were all prominent redoubts of progressivism: California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey. Meanwhile, the five biggest winners in the relocation sweepstakes are all commonly identified as red states in which Republicans generally dominate local politics: Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia.”
The good news is that some blue states [at least five in the nearby map] have seen the light and are turning red, embracing the limited government/low taxes red-state vision and are coming back from the brink. Maine, for example, is one of ALEC’s bottom 10 states. But as of the last election, Maine now has a Republican state house and governor. And the new governor has been pushing for the red-state approach, cutting both taxes and state spending.
The Washington Times recently pointed out that “at least a dozen [mostly red] states ended fiscal 2011 with surpluses.” Maine was one of them.
And Maine is not alone. Blue-leaning Michigan and Wisconsin both have elected Republican legislatures and governors, as has swing-state Pennsylvania. And blue Minnesota now has a Republican legislature.
By contrast, some blue states appear determined to spend themselves into bankruptcy. The AP reported on Oct. 16, “Drowning in deficits, Illinois has turned to a deliberate policy of not paying billions of dollars in bills for months at a time.…” So that big tax increase passed by Obama’s home state, which likes to do things the Obama way, didn’t fix the revenue problem. Someone needs to call the president and explain that to him.
And California, another of the bluest states, faces similar problems. Just last year it was handing out IOUs because it couldn’t pay its bills. High taxes and chronic fiscal problems have Golden Staters leaving in droves.
Why won’t some of these blue-state fiscal basket cases learn the lesson that a state can’t tax and spend its way to prosperity? Well, for one thing, many of them have been hoping for a federal bailout—and President Obama tried. A Wall Street Journal article points out that about $200 billion of the president’s misnamed “jobs bill” was little more than a state bailout for teachers and construction workers.
But Republicans are refusing to be complicit in state fiscal irresponsibility. Call it tough love, but blue states will sink or swim on their own.
Many fed-up citizens in those blue states are leaving. But others have decided that if anyone is going to leave, it’s those big-spending politicians who brought on the fiscal disaster. It’s a lesson blue-state politicians better learn: It’s better to be red than dead.
Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas, Texas. Follow him at
Remember when dems were red and reps were blue. The big three changed the colors when Clinton was running. The excuse was "we switch it around every P election" but they never switched it back.

It really is amazing how Americans are fed a steady diet of bullshit from the mainstream media and they suck it up as gospel
It really is amazing how Americans are fed a steady diet of bullshit from the mainstream media and they suck it up as gospel

I wonder if the response would have been the same had the article said voters were flocking to liberal states rather than away from them? And yes, there is a lot of bullshit coming from the media. The last election's campaign coverage was a perfect example of that. The leftist mainstream media did everything it could to foist an inexperienced unqualified junior senator on the U.S. and convinced many voters that Obama was some sort of messiah rather than telling the nation what he really was. About the only place one can find more bullshit spewed is from those who read something and without researching to find if it is true or not have a knee-jerk to it and deem it bullshit only because they do not like what an article says.
BT What pisses me off the most is almost all of our congress and judges, are all corrupt. Nobody has the balls to stand up and tell the truth about Barack Hussien.
They all know something is not right but they all keep moooooing and following the herd.

I have become seriously despressed about prospects for the future. As bad as things are, I can see obo winning a second term. The only rep cantidates that stand out are Cain and Newt. And I dont have to tell you all of Newts faults, even if he is the brightest, most capable on the stage.

I Like Cain as well, however I think he is a globalist like the others, mostly because of his involment in the fed reserve.
ron paul 2012 is the answer

I dont think there is an answer. The elites decided a long time ago that we shall have a world world goverment in the name of peace
All the other nations signed on as long as the USA and Europe (especially the USA) lowered their standerd of living in order to let the rest of the world catch up. American politicians sold us many years ago. Thats why we outsourced all our manufacturing and imported a few tens of millions of the poorest, uneducated goverment tit suckers.

Dont even get me started on all the muslims the D of C are forcing upon us
We have been importing muslims form all over the middle east and africa.
"cultural learning centers" and mosques are opening all over the place paid for by the money we send them for oil.
They cannot peacefully coexist with each other let alone other religions. It is submit or die. Islam means submission
BT What pisses me off the most is almost all of our congress and judges, are all corrupt. Nobody has the balls to stand up and tell the truth about Barack Hussien.
They all know something is not right but they all keep moooooing and following the herd.

Congress is as crooked as a barrel of snakes, but I'm not sure there is much, if any, evidence of that being the case when it comes to supreme court justices or judges that are very high up in the federal court system. At that level about the most that is seen that is not as it should be is an adherence to either liberal or conservative philosophies in how law is read/applied. When you get to the lower federal level and state level you do hear/read about things now and then that makes some suspect.
I speak of judges legislating from the bench, cronyism, and by power and guile, the stacking of the deck with progressives. It seems reps dont clean house as well as dems do and you wind up with too many holdovers who should be put out to pasture. I am not saying dems bad, reps good so much as I am saying we have been moving too far to the progresive side over the past 60 years.

And the worse of all =
The three branches were suppose to be in opposition for the most part. That way no one branch could take over. Checks and balance was fairly ingenius at the time. From what little bit my mind has been able to digest it was designed to keep things in the middle of the road for the most part, as well as the check/balance.

Bottom line = AS far out there as it may sound I am of the belief that all three are one big party. They are controled by someone or something else. I dunno if its elite bankers, Soros, or a small group of elites or satan himself, however I know that it bodes ill well for the USA