the risk of trading clones


Active Member
Got burnt clones wasn't what they were claimed to be.I know it happen often but its just the time and effort. Some people just don't have morals. I was so happy about it really wanted death star heard great things about it.


Well-Known Member
It happens way to often brother. It's always best to get clones from folks you know are personally running the strain and being able to sample the meds ahead of time is a BIG plus :weed:


New Member
Seems to be more common here in Mi and elsewhere than most like to admit sad to say . No matter where one goes in life there will always be scams and con artists lurking in the shadows waiting for those who fall prey to there games and traps .

I always wonder about people who are like this and how there thought process works , perhaps it is a one way street and that is that so to say . I would hate to sleep at night knowing I passed out counterfeit . I would not not even sleep knowing I passed on inferior buds so I just compost what is not to my liking's and my patients have never been happier .

Karma , she is not something to be played with , it is always better to pay it forward verses falling in reverse .:bigjoint: