The short version: "Why I smoke & grow MJ"


Well-Known Member
I confess... Here is my WTH Story of my MJ life....I was that guy... Not a dope smoker... I tried it a couple of times in the '70's... Really didn't have much effect on me.
I remember my room mate then, saying, the 'Punk' girls who live across alley from us, were having a few friends over, lets check it out...over we went to their place...
I looked at roomie, and [after two hits] he was sitting on the couch, eyes rolled into the back of his head, just starring at the ceiling...
I wanted to feel that, except, I didn't....
I was a athlete and really didn't want to put anything into my body that would affect it I didn't go out of my way to look for smoke...I was fearful, of not being in control of my brain, or hurting it in any way. I believed pot was bad, if you wanted to be bad, it was ok with me. I wasn't going to be bad...
Now if a girl I was dating wanted to get hi... I'd partake, so maybe smoked 5 or 6 times in the '80's... I drank beer, that's about it...
Again repeat through the '90's... I wasn't anti pot, I have always been fair minded, if you want to smoke/take drugs/shoot up, be my guest...The sheiot just wasn't for me.
Then in 2004, I had a crew of workers with me wiring a hotel, 300 miles from home. No one wanted to be stuck in that little town away from our life's back home... My crew's lead man, while we were driving to a restaurant after a hard tense day of me being a yelling crazy a-hole boss.

Anyway, the lead man said these words to me:
"If you don't right now hit this sheiot, [they were passing around a bowl, and a J, in my crew cab], RIGHT now, we are all going to quit, seriously, hit this sheiot, or fukk off"

Peer presure [HA], 4 against one... So, I did... Again, and again... The carne asada burrito tasted so good that night.... I mellowed out. My mind was set free. The job was going to get done, just gotta let stress go... Yes I was probably headed for a coronary...
Not long after that, I stared to grow my own, with the help of my stoner lead man. I found, I liked to grow I did.
I started smoking before I'd go to the gym. Doing 45 minutes on the elliptical machine, just was not a problem anymore... I dropped 50 lbs... Pot didn't take away my drive, MJ focused me...
MJ change my life for the better. MJ makes me a nice guy, I like to smoke before all social get togethers.
If we'd meet [me not hi], and you'd say: "How are you doing?" I'd answer: "Do you really care?'
Now [usually Hi...] if we'd meet, my answer would be: "I am doing unfukkin-believable"
Thanks for letting me get this burden off my chest...
I love MJ... I love you all...
Ha.... Party On !


Well-Known Member
Cool story, 8/10

Can't wait to have my first hit ever, my babies should be ready to smoke in about 2 months.


Well-Known Member
nice "little" story :) Im guessing your high right now ?

I had a similar experience, kind a, back in the erm .. 80ish when I was 14 I had my fist smoke, with a older girl I just had to add :D

how ever it did`t effect me at all, had a few friends who smoke or there elder brothers did so we did to, but I couldn't really care as I did`t get high the fist 8-10 times, maybe a bit tired thats all,

fist time it hit me hard (we smoked Hash) and I was on my way home, on rollerblades and just stopped at the skater park, I still remember the 3 miles home


Well-Known Member
nope never, i don't have any friends who smoke or who know a guy who know a guy who can provide some, so my only alternative is to grow my own to figure out what the hype is all about. I loved to grow them babies, i'm gonna cry when it'll be time to chop them.