The Smoothest Smoke


Active Member
Question for all the experts. What method of growing will get you the smoothest smoke? Hydro? Soil? Organic Soil? Im sure curing has alot to do with smoothness but I would also think how the plant was grown will have some affect on the smoke. Trying to figure out which direction to go for my first grow.


Well-Known Member
organic soil is the smoothest stuff I've ever had .... and if you have the right environment outdoors you wont have any serious bug problems really... and if you have your shit together indoors the same applies....


Active Member
go hydro. less bugs...
.........really, final answer..LOL

I have smoked a lot of each, and its really a combo of several things done correctly that produces the smoothest smoke. In general I will have to say that organic soil grows seems to make the tastiest and smoothest smoke Ive ever had, but I beleive there are a few other factors as well..... like strain choice, proper trimming, drying and the most important a good curing. If your just getting started I would go with a soil grow, its the easiest method and can produce some very killer smoke.



Well-Known Member
In got a qrtr sak of some Black Label. Those of you who don't know or have never heard of 'Black Label' strains.. you should look them up. ;)

I got a qrtr sak (a fat one at that) of their 'Black Kush' - shit is the BOMB.. period. It's got the signature kush taste/smell to it.. only the taste and smell of this particular Kush strain is like 10x the quality of a regular "Kush" strain.. if that makes any sense to ya. Bottom line is, is this is the best Kush strain that I've personally ever tried.. and I mean every word of that. It's just so damn good man.. its honestly one of those rare 'one hitter quitter' strains. I can't even smoke a whole bowl by myself, which means alot when you consider I have smoked almost every single day since I graduated high school 11 years ago. The high lasts a good solid 3 hours before it eventually walks away. The best things I like about this Black Kush strain, is the taste, smell, looks, density of the buds, the potency is WAY up there (1 to 2 hits and your good).. but I would say the best thing about the strain is the fact that you don't feel that "bleeh" feeling when the high/stone disappears.. you get kinda sleepy and then you get one of those instant inner body/bone massages as you stretch out to lay down and watch the television to get ready to go to sleep. Well, that's what I get from it anyhow..

I highly recommend this strain. Be warned though, as I mentioned earlier in this post.. the potency of this strain is VERY high. Maybe this will give you smokers a better idea of how strong this strain really is. Here's a great example to demonstrate the potency level of this particular strain.. take me for example, I've been smoking just about every day over the past 11 years right? So, you take that info.. and you now know that my tolerance level is pretty high, so it takes a little more to get me high/stoned.. than it would someone who smokes maybe once per week or something like that you know. I can take two hits off a bowl of this Black Kush and I'm high.. take 3 or 4 hits and I'm done.. I'm stoned. I'm 29 years old, 6'2" tall and I weigh right around 210lbs to 215lbs.. with a fairly high tolerance level.. and yet 2 to 4 hits of this Black Kush and I'm stoned.. period, lights out, night night. So yeah, maybe that will help give you a better idea of the potency level. And of course, the taste.. ahhhh mamma mia!! The taste is absolutely perfecto! I just can't begin to describe the taste.. but its just fucking amazing. Like a fucking phenomenon! Absolutely phenominal!

Oh and of course, it also has absolutely the smoothest smoke/taste.. I've smoked quite a few strains in my days, including quite a few 'Kush' strains, but this one by far, hands down, Katie shut the door, has the smoothest smoke/taste to it.. period.

I know that this strain is available currently at selected Medical Cannabis Dispensaries.. look for it or ask around at your local Medical Cannabis Dispensary.

peace & love people -
The world needs it right now..


Well-Known Member
.........really, final answer..LOL

I have smoked a lot of each, and its really a combo of several things done correctly that produces the smoothest smoke. In general I will have to say that organic soil grows seems to make the tastiest and smoothest smoke Ive ever had, but I beleive there are a few other factors as well..... like strain choice, proper trimming, drying and the most important a good curing. If your just getting started I would go with a soil grow, its the easiest method and can produce some very killer smoke.

that's his first answer! lol!


Active Member
Thanks for the responce guys. stlmatt- Thanks for the advise. I had heard organic soil will give the bud just a lilttle bet better smell and flavour. So many questions starting out, thats part of the fun!!!!


I Have'nt been on in a while...Was just looking for strains of smoother taist and came across this. I think hydro is more smooth on the lungs because it is faster to flush out in your last 2 weeks of you GP. Also faster in giving what your plants needs.You know what I mean if you know all your fertalizers. QUick flush sysytem to fix. you see something starting to go wrong with the plant your going to freak if your growing organic. I think we can smooth out something more then nature.