The Time Is Now! 150w HPS Harvest! 700g WET!


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, well today I thought I saw some hermie action going on, so I finally gave them the chop. They could've gone a little bit longer but what the hell, its looks fabulous! This was an all organic grow under a 150w HPS Econolight with some CFL sidelighting. The vegged for 4 weeks and flowered for 10 weeks. Here are some pics, thank you all for your help and I am more than happy to answer any questions, and comments are always welcome!



Well-Known Member
So people say you lose 1/2 to 2/3 weight from wet to dry. So your 700 wet weight would be 233 grams dry if you lost 2/3. That's still over 8 ounces. That's I'm hoping for 16 ounces from my 1000w room and you got 8 one a 150??? something is missing. My plants are high yielding plants, how the hell could you have gotten so much from that small of a light?


Well-Known Member
God gave me a green thumb, and some great bagseed. I have never smoked all organic bud before so this stuff should be dank.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words. I have a full journal from start to finish in my sig if you would like to see the progression of my grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again! Now we dry for a few days, then the buds go into jars for curing. Damnit I need to buy jars.


Well-Known Member
what strain is that? is the purple from it being to cold or is it just the strain? thats looks good dude!
i got some purple g13 going right now its so dank