The Truth About What Americans Think About Health Care Reform


New Member
There are a lot of claims flying around about how the "MAJORITY" of Americans do/did not want health care reform. Here is the truth. First A gallup poll from 3-22-2010


The Poll shows that 49% of people approve of health care as it was passed.

Remember that the right-wing has been waging a war of lies, deceit and misrepresentation

Here is a poll from CBS News from February, 2007, before the right-wing lie campign:


Now 7/2000 8/1996
Yes 64% 62% 56%
No 27% 29% 38%

Although I can't get the table to format correctly, it shows in 2007 64% approved of health insurance for all, in 2000 62% approved of health insurance for all, and in 1996 56% approved of health insurance for all.

Prior to the right-wing lie machine the majority of Americans have approved of health insurance for all and have for more than a decade. I just thought that the truth should be told.
the majority of americans do not agree that one should have to purchase a service that you can not opt out of

and can be punished by law for not purchasing

healthcare - good

extortion - bad
Do not believe the Repukes lies....Majority of America welcomes the change OR says we needed more (public option )
the majority of americans do not agree that one should have to purchase a service that you can not opt out of

and can be punished by law for not purchasing

healthcare - good

extortion - bad

Like Social Security that every working American is mandated to pay into ?:wall:
i honestly think this new healthcare bill is horrible and i already dont have insurance but i no at the hospital downtown it takes patients without insurance and u gott wait damn 12 hrs to get checked cuz the whole world is there.i just have a feeling this is gonna make wait a hell of alot longer at the hospital
i don't need anyone to tell me how i feel.

Nobody's trying to say anyone feels individually. I would guess that you hate the idea of universal health insurance, the mandate, etc.

The point of the post is only to refute the claim that the "majority" (ie, greater then 50%) are against health insurance reform. It is simply not true.

Fdd, you are right and I am wrong. Sorry.
Nobody's trying to say anyone feels individually. A would guess that you hate the idea of universal health insurance, the mandate, etc.

The point of the post is only to refute the claim that the "majority" (ie, greater then 50%) are against health insurance reform. It is simply not true.

so you're gonna try to tell me anyways?

when someone starts a thread that says "the majority of YOU feel this way", i can only laugh.

need i explain this one now? :roll:
so you're gonna try to tell me anyways?

when someone starts a thread that says "the majority of YOU feel this way", i can only laugh.

need i explain this one now? :roll:

Not sure what you mean. I was talking about the majority of "Americans" Should I be saying "most people in the United States" The excess over 50% of the population that is in favor know that the minority is not in favor?

My OP never said the majority of "YOU" it refered to the majority of the American people.
Nobody's trying to say anyone feels individually. I would guess that you hate the idea of universal health insurance, the mandate, etc.

The point of the post is only to refute the claim that the "majority" (ie, greater then 50%) are against health insurance reform. It is simply not true.

Fdd, you are right and I am wrong. Sorry. My bad
Not sure what you mean. I was talking about the majority of "Americans" Should I be saying "most people in the United States" The excess over 50% of the population that is in favor know that the minority is not in favor?

My OP never said the majority of "YOU" it refered to the majority of the American people.

i AM the american people. :wall:

I think we can all agree that changes are needed in the American health care system. I believe the heart ache comes in with the manner/content of the change.
I've been working hard for over 35 years to ensure that I have a retirement/health care & now I have to pay for a bunch of unmotivated welfare recipients that have been sitting on their collective ass's?
Now my children and grandchildren get to look forward to paying an unimaginable price for this "We know it has flaws but vote for it now" bill????
Bullshit !

If its so freaking great why did the writers "write themselves" out?
Someone please have the nads to answer the last question & I'll concede.


BTW, your numbers are about as fucked up as a dollar watch
First hit on *health care reform poll -
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll, taken Friday and Saturday nights, shows that 41% of likely voters favor the health care plan. Fifty-four percent (54%) are opposed. These figures have barely budged in recent months.
They only wrote themselves outr for a few years. Eventually they will be in the same boat. Or so I recall hearing on CSPAN, I'll decline researching it due to laziness
I as a disabled veteran and social security disability recipient. I think all americans should have the same healthcare as I recieve with medicare. (that would be the single payer they are talking about) We are supposed to be the most advanced nation on earth and yet no universal healthcare.:wall:
I would just like to point out the fact that just one year ago we bailed out the banks. We the people didn't have a say in that, one might even say it was "jammed down our throats" I would like to say, I personally would not have put my tax dollars towards it. I am for this health care bill. If anyone actually believes that our current system works than you are delusional. Why must a monetary gain come before someones life? People dying from lack of treatment is a joke,this is 2010 people...we have frickin satellites for crying out loud!!!