The U.S. Vape Mail Ban ..Vapers Beware!

I wanted to be indignant and say - Who told you that FedEx does not deliver? I recently ordered and everything came to me. And then I read it carefully and realized that by the dates indicated in the article I could not order the next parcel. Where did these difficulties come from? I'm used to it when everything is simple - I made an order, entered the track number of the parcel into, tracked the parcel, took the parcel. What to do now? And if the vape will be sent unassembled? Will this also be prohibited? And if the vaping liquid is declared as shampoo (or something else)? Maybe there is some kind of loophole?
I wanted to be indignant and say - Who told you that FedEx does not deliver? I recently ordered and everything came to me. And then I read it carefully and realized that by the dates indicated in the article I could not order the next parcel. Where did these difficulties come from? I'm used to it when everything is simple - I made an order, entered the track number of the parcel into, tracked the parcel, took the parcel. What to do now? And if the vape will be sent unassembled? Will this also be prohibited? And if the vaping liquid is declared as shampoo (or something else)? Maybe there is some kind of loophole?
See the link below from an earlier post in this thread.
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I've been stocking up on vape supplies like crazy over the last few days, as the deadlines are quickly approaching. I bought about $1400 worth of Black Note e-juices which just arrived today. I'll probably keep them in the fridge, should last me about 18-24 months. I also bought more of my fav mods and tanks, and a shitload of coils and cool drip tips. Maybe $1800 altogether. This shit is going to get expensive, slow, and frustrating, and I just don't need another problem during this weird time. Thanks again, @Just Be , for alerting me to this early. Best tip I've received in a while (insert penis (joke) here).
I've been stocking up on vape supplies like crazy over the last few days, as the deadlines are quickly approaching. I bought about $1400 worth of Black Note e-juices which just arrived today. I'll probably keep them in the fridge, should last me about 18-24 months. I also bought more of my fav mods and tanks, and a shitload of coils and cool drip tips. Maybe $1800 altogether. This shit is going to get expensive, slow, and frustrating, and I just don't need another problem during this weird time. Thanks again, @Just Be , for alerting me to this early. Best tip I've received in a while (insert penis (joke) here).
No problem. I'm glad that I could help. It's too bad that you never got into making your own juice because $1400 would have got you enough liquid nicotine and flavorings to last you several years.
No problem. I'm glad that I could help. It's too bad that you never got into making your own juice because $1400 would have got you enough liquid nicotine and flavorings to last you several years.

I only vape cold extracted tobacco juice, I really don't care for any other kind. I don't think they are something you can mix yourself. I believe there is only two companies that produce real tobacco extract juices. They are quite expensive, but not nearly as expensive as smoking. I love real tobacco flavor, and I'm willing to pay top dollar for it. Thanks again...
Vapor Authority

Dear Valued Customer,
As you likely have heard by now, vape products ordered online will be greatly restricted and in some states/cities banned entirely. FedEx has already stopped shipping, UPS stops on April 5th, and USPS will stop any day now. In addition, the new PACT Act regulations will take effect on March 27th, which will also greatly impact vape sales.
Notwithstanding these new regulatory and logistical hurdles, Vapor Authority remains steadfastly committed to serving our valued customers. We have secured contracts with local and regional carriers in order to construct a viable network through which we can continue to ship. However, there will be some areas that we will not be able to ship to whatsoever.
As we first begin this immense transition, we will be limited to the states and cities to which we can ship, but rest assured that we are working diligently to expand our network and will be opening up to as many states and cities as we possibly can and as rapidly as we can.
To ensure that your order will be processed and shipped prior to the March 27th PACT Act deadline, we STRONGLY urge you to stock up as much as possible by MIDNIGHT TODAY. Try to order the supplies you need for a few weeks so that you have enough vape products to last you during this transition period.

Code Expires Today at Midnight (PST)


USPS, FedEx, and UPS have confirmed that they will no longer ship any tobacco product, including all vape products. FedEx has already stopped, UPS will stop early April, and USPS will stop at any moment as well. In addition, all states will require an adult signature for delivery. The end result is that shipping prices will be increasing substantially.
We have found alternate carriers for select states, but there are several states that online retailers will not be able to ship to initially. We will be diligently working to establish as many routes as possible, but in the near term, we will be very limited to the states we will be able to offer service to.


In the coming months, all vape companies will be required to collect excise taxes in addition to sales taxes for all sales. This will increase the final cost of all vape purchases, whether online or in-person.


You have most likely noticed that many vape products have been discontinued over the past couple of months. This is related to the Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) requirement for all tobacco products by the FDA. Manufacturers will continue discontinuing products in the coming months, which will greatly reduce what will be available for purchase.

We recommend stocking up on your favorite hardware and juice while you can!

An email I received from one of my online shops. I really spent to stock up, maybe $1700 with juice, new mods, coils, drip tips, RBAs, etc.. I'm good for the next couple of years. Big tobacco can suck it.
Guys, I thought this vape ban is happening April 5, is that so? Places still seem to be shipping and most have sales going on...just curious, I'm sure others are more well informed than I.
Guys, I thought this vape ban is happening April 5, is that so? Places still seem to be shipping and most have sales going on...just curious, I'm sure others are more well informed than I.

Seems like the PACT act began March 27th, but April 27th seems to be the final deadline, when USPS will also stop shipping all vape supplies. The Reddit megathread link I posted above has the latest info and sub-threads. My fav ejuice company stopped selling yesterday to shut down and become fully compliant with PACT, and plans to start up again later this month. I've spent over 2 grand stocking up, so I'm set for a couple of years. Good luck.

Seems like the PACT act began March 27th, but April 27th seems to be the final deadline, when USPS will also stop shipping all vape supplies. The Reddit megathread link I posted above has the latest info and sub-threads. My fav ejuice company stopped selling yesterday to shut down and become fully compliant with PACT, and plans to start up again later this month. I've spent over 2 grand stocking up, so I'm set for a couple of years. Good luck.
I got it now, thanks for that. The April 5 date is for UPS, so that's the last chance to get something if we need it. One Vape site I was looking at has a countdown to April 5 with everything on sale until then. I've got a desktop vape I'm happy with but I picked up a portable one because there is no where for me to buy that kind of think anywhere within a few hundred miles of me, so why no? I think this ban is actually going to catch a lot of people by surprise, not a single one of my smoker friends or relatives had heard of it.
I got it now, thanks for that. The April 5 date is for UPS, so that's the last chance to get something if we need it. One Vape site I was looking at has a countdown to April 5 with everything on sale until then. I've got a desktop vape I'm happy with but I picked up a portable one because there is no where for me to buy that kind of think anywhere within a few hundred miles of me, so why no? I think this ban is actually going to catch a lot of people by surprise, not a single one of my smoker friends or relatives had heard of it.

Yep. They snuck the PACT act into the latest covid relief bill, so if you don't vape you probably wouldn't hear about it. I'm not mad, I'm glad we got away with it for as long as we did. Cigarettes through the mail has been banned for decades, but I remember being able to get them mail order. This is a more level playing field. States need their tobacco (now including vaping) tax money as they've already spent it before it actually comes in. I'd rather them tax non-essentials like smoking and vaping than to raise property taxes or pilfer pension funds.
Yep. They snuck the PACT act into the latest covid relief bill, so if you don't vape you probably wouldn't hear about it. I'm not mad, I'm glad we got away with it for as long as we did. Cigarettes through the mail has been banned for decades, but I remember being able to get them mail order. This is a more level playing field. States need their tobacco (now including vaping) tax money as they've already spent it before it actually comes in. I'd rather them tax non-essentials like smoking and vaping than to raise property taxes or pilfer pension funds.
I agree with you on the tobacco angle, but this is hard on medical marijuana patients, and cannabis smokers interested in harm reduction generally. I don't get whey they couldn't just ban the Hello Kitty vape juice that all the kids are supposedly smoking and leave the vaporizers themselves alone.
Yep. They snuck the PACT act into the latest covid relief bill, so if you don't vape you probably wouldn't hear about it. I'm not mad, I'm glad we got away with it for as long as we did. Cigarettes through the mail has been banned for decades, but I remember being able to get them mail order. This is a more level playing field. States need their tobacco (now including vaping) tax money as they've already spent it before it actually comes in. I'd rather them tax non-essentials like smoking and vaping than to raise property taxes or pilfer pension funds.
I remember the cigarette vending machine at the supermarket checkout, just to the side of that cool thousand-wheels hand basket conveyor.
I agree with you on the tobacco angle, but this is hard on medical marijuana patients, and cannabis smokers interested in harm reduction generally. I don't get whey they couldn't just ban the Hello Kitty vape juice that all the kids are supposedly smoking and leave the vaporizers themselves alone.

Vapers will still be able to buy these products, they'll just have to pay more at either a brick and mortar store or mail order through specialized carriers. It really comes down to tax money, like with legalized weed and dispensaries.

I remember the cigarette vending machine at the supermarket checkout, just to the side of that cool thousand-wheels hand basket conveyor.

Yep, and in every restaurant. The first cigs we used to get were from those vending machines. Neighborhood stores were very lenient, too. I used to be able to go into several local shops to pick up cig packs for my dad for 75 cents, so when I started smoking myself, I just said they were for dad. Good times ;)
Vapers will still be able to buy these products, they'll just have to pay more at either a brick and mortar store or mail order through specialized carriers. It really comes down to tax money, like with legalized weed and dispensaries.

Yep, and in every restaurant. The first cigs we used to get were from those vending machines. Neighborhood stores were very lenient, too. I used to be able to go into several local shops to pick up cig packs for my dad for 75 cents, so when I started smoking myself, I just said they were for dad. Good times ;)
I used to get my grandmother’s cigs from the store across the street from our house. I was probably 10yrs old. Lol. Good times indeed.
Blame the PACT Act Buried deep within the latest Covid relief bill, the PACT Act, is some legislation meant to stop shipments of e-cig vapes to underage children. The intent of the law is not directed at dry herb vaporizers, but they could get caught in the dragnet. Changes will come as soon as March 26th.
While we think it’s pretty clear dry herb vaporizers shouldn’t be restricted: we’re not so hopeful for concentrate vaporizers.
The vast majority of the bill has nothing to do with COVID. Calling it a relief bill was just how they passed it. And that’s government for you :)

Edit: Just want to add how upsetting it is that whatever lobbyists/lawmakers put this provision in did nothing for public health and just harmed the livelihoods of people like those running POTV.