The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You're full of shit.

If you have somebody on ignore then you can't see their posts.

i know but there's a button at the bottom of the threads ..... 2 ignored posts

i forgot about dick wad up there somewhere ha ha !!

nm life goes on, you see the thing is he can read this and it kills him ha ha !!!

nm again :(


Well-Known Member
I watched a documentary a few months ago that said if we can find a way to mass farm insects then we could quite easily solve the worlds food shortage problems, or the food shortage problems that we are going to face in the future as the population rises.

It's all about the huge protein content of bugs apparently.

And when they made some bug food products and tested them on the public (without telling them what they were made of) 90%+ of people said they would buy the product and that it was very tasty.

The funny looks came when they finally said what the products were made from, even then most folk still had to agree that they actually liked the product despite then being repulsed at the thought of bugs afterwards.

It's all about getting over the stigma.
I think I watched that as well.
And absolutely. All about stigma. If it came down to it most folk will say they couldn't kill an animal....I bet they would change their tune if they were starving. Same thing with insects. When they are packaged up to look like onion bahjis then who cares...bit of curry powder hides a million sins.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Fuck me man, just taking the piss.

I based my "joke" on your shady fucking plates that my Gran would have but let me guess that jokes to far too eh?

No hard feelings mate just a bit of banter.

You call that a "joke"?

You know that other people are supposed to understand what's funny about a "joke" for it to be a "joke" right?

Otherwise you're just being a cunt who's insulting people for your own amusement.

You see the definite line there? No?
Never mind then eh, better luck next time you try to be funny and come across as a cunt instead.

Shady plates?
I assume you're implying that you think that meal is a 'small portion'?

Well there's around 750 calories in an average sized (300g) steak after grilling, plus the potatoes, greens and it all being cooked in olive oil washed down with a glass of milk brings the meal to around 1000 calories.

3 of those a day with training and you'll be hench as fuck in no time!

Let me guess, you're a fat cunt who has no idea about calories and nutrition?
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Well-Known Member
Shady plates?
I assume you're implying that you think that meal is a 'small portion'?

Well there's around 750 calories in an average sized (300g) steak after grilling, plus the potatoes, greens and it all being cooked in olive oil washed down with a glass of milk brings the meal to around 1000 calories.

3 of those a day with training and you'll be hench as fuck in no time!

Are you a fat cunt who has no idea about calories and nutrition?
Nah mate I was meaning that the plates themself. Ie material and design are pish.

Here let's just leave the "joke" at that cause it's obviously not been portrayed right over a Forum.

I'm no a fat cunt either eh but someone is taking a joke about there food a bit too seriously....I know fat cunts that do that
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Well-Known Member
My dad's told me tales of Toffs eating fowl after it's been hung for ages, the longer the better.

We're talking pheasant crawling with maggots and they love it.
Yes I heard about that from my grandparents omfg, the French eat pigeon grouse and partridge rare but it tastes better cooked imo


Well-Known Member
budstars Scottish about 24 maybe younger age .... but he's Scottish, don;t know if he lives in scotland tho.
What's with the shite inaccurate profiling?

Your not police as you are too thick for that.

So just some fat fucking virgin who comes on here and profiles every cunt to get a sense of "Reality" on this online forum.

Fuck off, you are not wanted and nobody likes you so stop trying to fit in with your pish attempts at mimicking other peoples dialect and banter.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Nah mate I was meaning that the plates themself. Ie material and design are pish.

Here let's just leave the "joke" at that cause it's obviously not been portrayed right over a Forum.

I'm no a fat cunt either eh but someone is taking a joke about there food a bit too seriously....


Erm they're made out of fucking clay like all mass produced plates are, the same as the ones you eat your dinner off dickhead!

As for the pattern, who gives a fuck what design is printed on dinner plates?
Women and collectors, that's who!

I guess you won't like the pattern on these earthenware pieces either, too grannyfied for you eh?

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Despite these rare pieces being hand made in Eastern Europe and pieces made with these designs are worth a small fortune.

But what the fuck do you know about pottery and glassware design eh?
Fuck all that's what, I could eat my steak off Clarice Cliff and you'd probably make some stupid comment about 'Paint by Numbers'!

Again, there is no 'joke' if it only exists on your head.
It's like my girlfriend telling a 'joke' in Polish and then laughing her arse off, despite her being the only person in the room who understood what the fuck she meant.

Jokes are portrayed perfectly fine through text, that however wasn't a joke.
It was just some stupid thought inside your head that seemed funny to you at the time.

Says it was a joke about the plates when I explained the food thing, now back pedals and says it was about the food?

Congratulations, you've managed to confuse yourself..........:clap:


Well-Known Member

Erm they're made out of fucking clay like all mass produced plates are, the same as the ones you eat your dinner off dickhead!

As for the pattern, who gives a fuck what design is printed on dinner plates?
Women and collectors, that's who!

I guess you won't like the pattern on these earthenware pieces either, too grannyfied for you eh?

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Despite these rare pieces being hand made in Eastern Europe and pieces made with these designs are worth a small fortune.

But what the fuck do you know about pottery and glassware design eh?
Fuck all that's what, I could eat my steak off Clarice Cliff and you'd probably make some stupid comment about 'Paint by Numbers'!

Again, there is no 'joke' if it only exists on your head.
It's like my girlfriend telling a 'joke' in Polish and then laughing her arse off, despite her being the only person in the room who understood what the fuck she meant.

Jokes are portrayed perfectly fine through text, that however wasn't a joke.
It was just some stupid thought inside your head that seemed funny to you at the time.

Says it was a joke about the plates when I explained the food thing, now back pedals and says it was about the food?

Congratulations, you've managed to confuse yourself..........:clap:
It was always about the plates.

It's now seeming to me that its about way more for you though bud.

Fuck sake , chill out.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

show ignored content ^^^^^

And you've just proven my point.

The 'ignore' button ignores the whole person.

You can choose to 'show ignored content' one by one after the fact, hence why it says "16 more messages".
Because it has ignored ALL of them of which there are 16 more.

Congratulations, you've managed to contradict yourself..........:clap: