Well-Known Member
This thread was born because of a combination of a thread that was posted a few minutes ago about sigma dosing, and an erowid story I just read, and I realized I need to type my most crazy dxm trip up before I forget it. http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=45470 <that sigma plateua story has it right. Its just so crazy and indescribable.. just impossible. Anyways:
Okay, so on a friday night a few weeks ago, I wanted to trip. And I just so happened to have 20 oz of delsym. I was with my friends austin, and mandi(Ill use first names, makes the story better lol) and I gave mandi and austin both 3 oz'ers of delsym early that morning at about 8. hey drank it, and I had already ingested 5oz of extracted powder which equals out to about 800mg dxm polistirex.
I wasn't all that crazy yet, I felt pretty trippy.. Extremely happy. Lost my balance when Id close my eyes, great visuals, see inside of things.. Then Omar picked us up because we were just adventuring through this forest in this neighboorhood next to our old highschool. Which was later named the forest of flowers lol.. Anyways, then when Omar got us at about 2pm, It took a very long time lol, but he got us and we stopped by my place so I could getthe rest of the delsym for the night.
I got 3 5 oz'ers, one of which was extracted. I drank a 5 oz and then went into walgreens with austin and mandi to buy more. Omar didn't want to do it because you know how people are about getting high off cough syrup. We go in there and say 'fuck this' steal 15 ozs. They each take 5 oz more and say they are done (Ones second time, ones first time) then Omar wants to go to his nephews grad party out all the way in wright city which is about an hour and a half away from where we were mind you.. He asks if we are okay, all of us lie and say yes.. lol so we get there and by then I could barely tell I was tripping I was tripping so hard.
I was walking like a crane because I thought my feet were wet or something which they werent.. Yet.. . Finally after many nonfunctional conversations with little kids at the party me and austin tell omar the truth "Dude get us the fuck out of here". So he finds a way around it and starts going on a walk into this huge creek/river whatever it is with sand banks and completely discrete. The little kids follow. We weren't worried about them, we were worried about the parents thinking we were endangering the kids or somethin.
We follow this creek and there is an absolutely beautiful sunset. Me austin and mandi all get distracted and lay in the water staring at the sky talking about the book called "The Giver" And how whoever wrote it knew absolutely everything. The sky was going crazy and I would close my eyes, still see the sky, float to it, and be able to taste the clouds as they melted on my tongue, and the sun a giant egg yolk which was not to be popped ever. Or we'd all suffer. Later on we got up and adventured to this abandoned house and threw rocks at it shattering the glass in the windows laughing.. Having people talk to us and us acting like we were foreign so we didn't have to talk
well, let me just say this was only the beggining. Ive done 10 oz countless times, the good stuff was in the next 10 oz.
After we were decided on leaving, me and austin went to the bathroom, he chugged a 5 oz, I swallowed 5 oz of powder in a drink, and chugged 5 more ounces having never done 20oz(He changed his mind on not doing more obviously) Right when we get out thinking we're safe, these parents of the graduating kid(still forget his name lol chris maybe?) invite us over. Omar just couldn't say no because he thought me and austin and mandi were fine. Also while we were at the abandoned house, one of the kids go this HUGE splinter in his hand and it was disgusting.
At these people houses, blasting system of a down in the car, me mandi and austin all in the car laying down on top of each other groaning.. I remember this part quite well. The car was moving and I felt like I was riding on musical notes through some void made of upside and sideways highways. With road signs passing me covered in glitter, and spider webs covering most solid surfaces I saw.. It was beautiful. We get to the house and it wasnt hard to act okay, we knew nobody so no one really tried to talk to us too much. And after a very long time attempting to get this splinter out omar decides to take the kid to his mom. Who is a nurse. Omars confident knowing me and austins drug pasts. Both pretty much so ate up with Christianity (omars parents).. Its ridiculous..
So we get there and since traceys a nurse, she tries to remove this kids splinter, she can't even do it.. So he goes to the ER. Omar goes upstairs and plays COD with like 3 of his friends while, I try to make moves on mandi and austin is meditating. My moves were not very slick. It was more blatened. I was just saying things like "YOU KNOW I LIKE YOU A LOT RIGHT?" And shed be like "YEAH OF COURSE" Neither of us could even put shit into sentences. We did end up dating though so its kewl.
so I start following what austins doing and meditate on the couch. I could hear nothing but gunfire. I remember racing away from a herd of soldiers and jumping under a tarp in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm, bullets passing by me at immense speeds.. I remember cracking a dudes neck who was under the tarp and shooting behind my shoulder while running. I was convinced this was the end. A vivid metaphor of my distance from death. Once I was shot, my heart would stop. So I did everything in my power to dodge. Unable to open my eyes. I was completely out of my body and somewhere in the outskirts of my cerebellum. Then the mistake was made of playing zombies :/ I was being chased by zombies and all sorts of insane shit.. I somehow managed to make it to the safe room and was then woken up by austin shaking me. We need to leave he says. So I follow him. This was definitely my peak. I was being SCREAMED at by god. Telling me that if I EVER do this to myself again he will make damn sure I get punished. This was not very nice to my unstable state. Finally we get back to my apartment and I feel safe. At home.. Finally. God shut the fuck up, he finally did.. The entire time I thought I was going insane hearing voices.. I could hear him VERY clear it was frightening.. He kept saying shit like this was my one free ticket that I could get away with dying and shit. I knew I was okay, but his strong voice was very disturbing to be scalded by..
We sit there and listen to animal collective and grizzly bear non stop recording our philosophical conversations abut how "The answer is in the cactus" Which was pretty mind blowing itself. "It is protected by spines for a reason".
We ended up passing out and tripping all through the next day, but not near to the same extent. I still feel the afterglow from this one. It just wont go away. Beautiful.
Okay, so on a friday night a few weeks ago, I wanted to trip. And I just so happened to have 20 oz of delsym. I was with my friends austin, and mandi(Ill use first names, makes the story better lol) and I gave mandi and austin both 3 oz'ers of delsym early that morning at about 8. hey drank it, and I had already ingested 5oz of extracted powder which equals out to about 800mg dxm polistirex.
I wasn't all that crazy yet, I felt pretty trippy.. Extremely happy. Lost my balance when Id close my eyes, great visuals, see inside of things.. Then Omar picked us up because we were just adventuring through this forest in this neighboorhood next to our old highschool. Which was later named the forest of flowers lol.. Anyways, then when Omar got us at about 2pm, It took a very long time lol, but he got us and we stopped by my place so I could getthe rest of the delsym for the night.
I got 3 5 oz'ers, one of which was extracted. I drank a 5 oz and then went into walgreens with austin and mandi to buy more. Omar didn't want to do it because you know how people are about getting high off cough syrup. We go in there and say 'fuck this' steal 15 ozs. They each take 5 oz more and say they are done (Ones second time, ones first time) then Omar wants to go to his nephews grad party out all the way in wright city which is about an hour and a half away from where we were mind you.. He asks if we are okay, all of us lie and say yes.. lol so we get there and by then I could barely tell I was tripping I was tripping so hard.
I was walking like a crane because I thought my feet were wet or something which they werent.. Yet.. . Finally after many nonfunctional conversations with little kids at the party me and austin tell omar the truth "Dude get us the fuck out of here". So he finds a way around it and starts going on a walk into this huge creek/river whatever it is with sand banks and completely discrete. The little kids follow. We weren't worried about them, we were worried about the parents thinking we were endangering the kids or somethin.
We follow this creek and there is an absolutely beautiful sunset. Me austin and mandi all get distracted and lay in the water staring at the sky talking about the book called "The Giver" And how whoever wrote it knew absolutely everything. The sky was going crazy and I would close my eyes, still see the sky, float to it, and be able to taste the clouds as they melted on my tongue, and the sun a giant egg yolk which was not to be popped ever. Or we'd all suffer. Later on we got up and adventured to this abandoned house and threw rocks at it shattering the glass in the windows laughing.. Having people talk to us and us acting like we were foreign so we didn't have to talk

After we were decided on leaving, me and austin went to the bathroom, he chugged a 5 oz, I swallowed 5 oz of powder in a drink, and chugged 5 more ounces having never done 20oz(He changed his mind on not doing more obviously) Right when we get out thinking we're safe, these parents of the graduating kid(still forget his name lol chris maybe?) invite us over. Omar just couldn't say no because he thought me and austin and mandi were fine. Also while we were at the abandoned house, one of the kids go this HUGE splinter in his hand and it was disgusting.
At these people houses, blasting system of a down in the car, me mandi and austin all in the car laying down on top of each other groaning.. I remember this part quite well. The car was moving and I felt like I was riding on musical notes through some void made of upside and sideways highways. With road signs passing me covered in glitter, and spider webs covering most solid surfaces I saw.. It was beautiful. We get to the house and it wasnt hard to act okay, we knew nobody so no one really tried to talk to us too much. And after a very long time attempting to get this splinter out omar decides to take the kid to his mom. Who is a nurse. Omars confident knowing me and austins drug pasts. Both pretty much so ate up with Christianity (omars parents).. Its ridiculous..
So we get there and since traceys a nurse, she tries to remove this kids splinter, she can't even do it.. So he goes to the ER. Omar goes upstairs and plays COD with like 3 of his friends while, I try to make moves on mandi and austin is meditating. My moves were not very slick. It was more blatened. I was just saying things like "YOU KNOW I LIKE YOU A LOT RIGHT?" And shed be like "YEAH OF COURSE" Neither of us could even put shit into sentences. We did end up dating though so its kewl.

so I start following what austins doing and meditate on the couch. I could hear nothing but gunfire. I remember racing away from a herd of soldiers and jumping under a tarp in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm, bullets passing by me at immense speeds.. I remember cracking a dudes neck who was under the tarp and shooting behind my shoulder while running. I was convinced this was the end. A vivid metaphor of my distance from death. Once I was shot, my heart would stop. So I did everything in my power to dodge. Unable to open my eyes. I was completely out of my body and somewhere in the outskirts of my cerebellum. Then the mistake was made of playing zombies :/ I was being chased by zombies and all sorts of insane shit.. I somehow managed to make it to the safe room and was then woken up by austin shaking me. We need to leave he says. So I follow him. This was definitely my peak. I was being SCREAMED at by god. Telling me that if I EVER do this to myself again he will make damn sure I get punished. This was not very nice to my unstable state. Finally we get back to my apartment and I feel safe. At home.. Finally. God shut the fuck up, he finally did.. The entire time I thought I was going insane hearing voices.. I could hear him VERY clear it was frightening.. He kept saying shit like this was my one free ticket that I could get away with dying and shit. I knew I was okay, but his strong voice was very disturbing to be scalded by..
We sit there and listen to animal collective and grizzly bear non stop recording our philosophical conversations abut how "The answer is in the cactus" Which was pretty mind blowing itself. "It is protected by spines for a reason".
We ended up passing out and tripping all through the next day, but not near to the same extent. I still feel the afterglow from this one. It just wont go away. Beautiful.