The Ultimate Stealth Grow: MINI SILO


Active Member
Alright, ill get right into it...

Inspired by kindprincess's shotglass competition i decided to experiment with my own mini plant, while maximizing production and keeping the entire operation as concealable as humanly possible.

The SILO is actually a 6 inch diameter, 1.5 foot tall, section of aluminium duct piping. At the base a silent but powerful computer fan is supported on small 1/2 inch stilts and blows cool air into the silo. Resting on top of the fan is a small container, prob 10 oz. There is a small gap between the container and the walls of the silo where the air flows in from the computer fan.

At the top of the mini-silo is a 60 watt 900+ lumen cfl. Vents surround the bulb on the silo's ceiling which vent nearly all of the bulbs excess heat. A black sock is stretched over the top of the silo, eliminating all light leakage.

Now i know that the bulb might sound small, but because the inside of the silo is un-even aluminium duct piping and it is round, the light is super amplified and superbright. I cant look directly into the tube without sun glasses!

I can remove the ducting because the container with the plant actually resides in a halved pringles can which slides effortlessly into 6 inch ducting, becoming lightproof.

I have tested the temps when the light is going, and after 18 hours the inside of the silo was a mere 83.2 degrees. A little warm, but not bad for something this ridiculously small.

My medium is a 100% organic worm casting mix. 1 part castings 3 parts soil. The soils nutes are .5-0-0.

I have a femmed seed that has just taken root and her little head is just peeking out. I am so excited. I dont really care about the yeild, a couple grams would be sufficient, just knowing that I made it is enough for me. I am an budding artist who would love to grow a stealth personal supply and this is perfect for me, whenever i need a little inspiration i can just pick off a little bud :) haha

The whole unit is so small it fits on my bookshelf behind some books. The fan is so quiet and no light leaks at all. It is in the middle of my room. haha

The timer and is hooked up to the light but i have it running 24/0 right now to encourage my baby. Both the timer and the fans power source fit nicely into an extension cord which plugs into a socket behind my shelf as well.

I will keep everyone updated and will soon take pics, if u guys/gals want me to...

Total cost? haha next to nothing...

-computer fan...from my old gaming pc (free) but like 15$ from radioshack
-duct tubing...10$ from Lowes
-seed...femmed bag (free)

This was sooo easy!!!

Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
Wow this sounds like a pretty good little grow, I am doing a some what stealth grow. I am a week in and today my first day flowering


Active Member
thanks man

i love how sneaky it is haha. i cant wait to see the results. it cheers me up knowing i have my little secret baby too. like even if shit is goin down at school or in the studio (im an artist haha), i just think of my little plant-to-be.

I just got home so i have yet to check it out. but i will and will update tonight. Im not sure about pics yet tho, its still kinda scary.

What is your grow like? How big are ur plants?

thanks again


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can't wait to see hear the update on you're plants. 5 of my plants are around 4-7 inches and my 4 lil ones are 1-3 inches. All very healthy except for one, that I over watered but it will be fine I just don't need to water it for a while. I think about my plants too,I like checking them in the morning to see how much they have grown.


Active Member
haha same here man.i used to grow out of an old speaker but i felt terrible for the plant becuase it ended up burnt from crappy miracle grow soil and high heat. this grow might just kick some major ass.

thats cool that ur flower so small. thats what i wanna do, im vegging fora week and then flowering. i want the plantto be about 8 inches. how much do u expect to yeild per plant? what strain are u using?



Active Member
thats not too bad of a yeild. i dont really know how much to expect out of this silo.

i just checked the silo: the seed has been pushed above ground a tiny tiny green stem is visible. temps are perfect, but the soil (1 part castings/3 parts soil) was kind of hard and lumpy after drying out all day. just broke it up with a paper clip, fine now. i have to water ofter and using a 10ml syringe.

Now that she has germinated successfully, there is no more anxious waiting. she is on her way.


Active Member
hmmm... i thought people on this site would think that this was a novel idea. i guess i was wrong judging by the fact that ivehad 1 person respond so far.... input pleaseee


Well-Known Member
It is, just don't be stupid. Put a white sheet up behind your grow box to block out the background if you're REALLY paranoid.