The usual noob question....


Active Member
Okay, my turn, lol...

This is SUPPOSEDLY Girl Scout Cookies (Bought from Ebay, so who knows? Noob, remember?). GSC has a flowering period or 9-10 weeks, but my beauties are just 3 days into week SIX. Colors are changing, trichomes are exploding - I give it 2 more weeks MAX.

What do you think?
July 12.jpg

If a more practiced eye sees a different hybrid, the info would be most welcomed as well....July 12.jpg
Looks to me like your looking at 4 weeks minimum. Bought off easy this thing has become:)
Glad I asked, lol! Yeah, THIS order from Ebay got 3 good'uns, one male and 1 non-germinator. The FIRST order from another Ebay source was 1/5 - and that one WASN'T GSC - and hermied for no apparent reason. These two look so good (plus another seedling and a clone from one of these, that the Ebay experiment was actually successful. I've also received an order from Nirvana (Amsterdam) for ZkittleZ, which I haven't planted yet (making my early mistakes on the cheapies, lol)...