The waiting is the hardest part


Well-Known Member
I'm about 3 weeks away from being able to sample some of the last run....All the different strains are in Grove bags curing. This is the first time I've tried using them instead of the traditional Mason jars/burping. The bags were heat sealed when I packed them, so I can't even take a smell if I wanted to. I have an ample supply of my previous year's run, thankfully....but, I'm getting bored with it.

I have three strains curing....Meig's OG, Chocolate Thai and Northern Lights #2. When I was trimming them up, each plant had a very unique terpene signature, so I anticipate some nice variety this time.

The problem is that the routine has ended. There's no more watering, fertilizing, trimming....nothing going on....just waiting.

Today, I'm going to try and germinate some tomato seeds that I saved from last year's tomato crop....heirlooms....just to keep my mind off the weed. I've been making excuses why it would be okay to crack open a bag and sample some....but, that would just mean that I didn't give the Grove bags a proper chance -as recommended. So....I wait.
I always check my Grove bags because I worry about wether I had the proper moisture level in the buds when I put them in. Plus I like to see how the aroma evolves over time.