The waiting is the hardest part

Planted my seeds on Wed now its Sat and still no little heads poking up yet. Give me plain old Mexican seeds and there up and going in two maybe three days, pay for the really good stuff and its taking its own sweet time..


Well-Known Member
I've had seeds crack open in paper towels from 12 hours to 7 days. I'll then wait anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days to get their tap root to 1/2"-1 inch. Then I plant, not deep at all. Only maybe a 1/4" under. It will then take another 12 hours to 4 days to pop up.

The point I am trying to make is that germination, in completion (seed to sprout), can take 3 to 14 days. That a big range, be patient. The reason I don't plant them before germinating is so if a seed is a dud, i don't wait extra time to find out. If you really want, dig it up just a little and see where its at.


Well-Known Member
If you cant be patient find another hobby. You will only kill em with you try to hug em everynight.