The Zeitgeist?


Active Member
Zeitgeist - The Movie

Now I have just finished the movie myself and I have to say that it has changed my life forever. I dont know about how all of you on this site feel about it this movie and I hope I dont offend anyone by posting this but I feel everyone; White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, American, Russian, and EVERYONE should watch this movie. If not for the educational purposes than for pure amusement.

Now I'm not saying because the video before me is physically here, flashing pictures and throwing words at me is true because its on the internet and everything on the internet is true just like everything on fox news (sarcasm anyone), no thats not it. I will research and I will come to a conclusion on my own, with my own research, I will prove wrong what is wrong and right is right with what I find in my own life. I dont push anything on anyone but I leave this open for anyone open enough to watch it.

The subjects range from religion to politics to war, and the depression's. Now some of the subjects are VERY touchy and I was almost offended when the film reached the 9-11 sections but, just like the beginning of the film, It proved to be inspirational through and through.

I hope you enjoy the film but know that it is 2 hours long so leave some time open to watch the whole thing (make sure you have prepacked your bowl before watching cause you'll want one eventually)

Bravo :clap:


Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks 9-11 was done by a group of men armed with boxcutters is a fool.

All of the terrorists who were on the planes, that blew the towers to shit, are still alive today.
Strange huh?

I, personally wouldn't allow an iraqi with A BOXCUTTER to take over my god damn plane, i'd bundle that fucker!

Who wouldn't ???

Shit, theres worse knives on the streets!

A boxcutter

Knives off the street



That being said, The video is good, i am yet to watch the second one as my computer has no sound!


Active Member
Absolutely. The part where they talked about the guys who were still alive was heart stopping AND if a guy was trapped in the same plane as me and had a weapon the size of a toothpick, I WOULD FUCK his day up! Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw it. Anyone else?


Well-Known Member
it is the most downloaded film of all time and part 2 will follow suit soon, tried watching it last Fri night aftera 70hr week and didnt really watch it properly as I kept falling asleep. The whole thing is worrying I find....