Where did they say that?
On the wikipedia page which states their causes.
"Causes Wealth inequality, Corporate influence of government, Populism, (in support of) Social Democracy, inter alia."
"Social democracy advocates the creation of legal reforms and economic redistribution programs to eliminate economic class disparities between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.[4] It advocates the development of an economic democracy and the development of cooperative business organizations as an alternative to private enterprise."
So pretty much a mix of communism and fascism.
So you think the stop of corporations subverting our democracy is the act of a fascist? I'm not sure you understand what the word fascist means.
Items 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16 are total bullshit.
That and #21
Yup. How can they claim to represent the 99% if I am not in the rich 1% and do not support their message/views? What they should be saying is they are the 23% because no body likes them but themselves
You're being EXTREMELY generous. The Occupy crowd is far less than a quarter of one percent of the population of the US. Even that's being generous
And they can go FUCK themselves on the student loan demand, you took out the loan, you knew the cost, cough it up you over-entitled little douchebag.
When the government steps in after corporations are disbanded and it does, "the creation of legal reforms and economic redistribution programs to eliminate economic class disparities between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat," that's fascism. As opposed to government owning all business outright, communism.
People still have the delusion of owning their business in fascism, but there are so many regulations, you don't really have property rights.
That's what occupy want. Not only do they want to eliminate corporate personhood, but they want to give government the power to completely take over what they think is only morality duty, but is in fact government slavery.