There IS a god, And HE likes me!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
With the support, thoughts and prayers of a very special someone I met thru this site, I'm walking into the courtroom this morning, confident I WILL prevail!!

Just thought I'd share that!



Well-Known Member
We are all made in Gods image. Some might say therefor We are Gods, and I agree. Our problem has been the powers who have controlled us for thousands of years have dumbed us down and made us believe God is outside of us and have had us on a wild goose chase ever since.

In essence, we have given away our power- our God given power. But then, that begs the question: Who is God exactly? Well it isn't the one the controllers have been pedaling, that's for sure. Any so-called God who sits in judgement is a false god
. You are now free, though the pandering scum judicial system may not see it that way


Well-Known Member
We are all made in Donald Ducks image. Some might say therefor We are Donald Ducks, and I agree. Our problem has been the powers who have controlled us for thousands of years have dumbed us down and made us believe Donald Duck is outside of us and have had us on a wild goose chase ever since.

In essence, we have given away our power- our Duck given power. But then, that begs the question: Who is Donald Duck exactly? Well it isn't the one the controllers have been pedaling, that's for sure. Any so-called Duck who sits in judgement is a false Duck
. You are now free, though the pandering scum judicial system may not see it that way
This is how I read religious ramblings.


Well-Known Member
we make our own luck brother, so as long as you are confident in stride you will prevail no matter what the outcome.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Best of luck in court.

Question though. What if you fail in court? Does that mean there isn't a god or that he simply doesn't like you? :D