there is NO money in marijuana


Well-Known Member
?? What........... ??? I dont undstand anything today.....

? why no money in marijuana fdd ? i read the articel, but why does your title say no money in marijuana.... ?????


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well there aint gonna be any money if they have 150 lbs of dope lol you need to sell the shit before theres any $$$$ damn hawai 50 make me:spew:


Well-Known Member
it was probably some bobby brown...

california is flooded with weed right now. you can't give it away. my buddy was talking to a club owner yesterday and he said in the last 3 weeks he has lost 35% of his customers. it's harvest season baby. :hump::hump:


as soon as they make it legal everyone will grow it willingly. then it's worthless. not demand, no value.


New Member
If you ever want pot to be legalized, you'll have to stop selling it. It's the money which keeps it from the goal line. The money alters the attitude of society and law enforcement.

Get a real job, grow weed, and give it away. Encourage others to do the same. It's called Hippie Snowball!!

Like a Snowballs chance in Hell?
