There should be an annual roll it up party/get together!


Well-Known Member
This is where we held the last BBQ......They weren't too bothered by all our noise and smoke! lol.......[video=youtube;RMKniP5sYco][/video]
good times im sure!


Well-Known Member
i would agree with whoever said it. if a known member of RIU is coming thru my area in the northeast
and im cool with ya. ill smoke ya up for sure and chill with ya. go for a super stoned hike or something. lol


Well-Known Member
I can hold an annual RIU party, but only girls are invited, only a select few. Oh, and it will be a pants party. Im having a party in my pants.

I love lamp.


Well-Known Member
i would agree with whoever said it. if a known member of RIU is coming thru my area in the northeast
and im cool with ya. ill smoke ya up for sure and chill with ya. go for a super stoned hike or something. lol
I'll meet you at Platte Cove on the way to Hunter Mountain. Up the hill side road with the eye carved into the side of the mountain.


Well-Known Member
I couple of postable pics from prior BBQ at Camp RIU. These were all RIU members......we had this cove all to ourselves, built a HUGE campfire. Many people camped for the weekend. If I remember somebody even caught a big catfish at night. It was a big smoke-out. Everyone shared. I brought some dry ice & a bubble bag, & asked people to bring a little shake/trim. We made & smoked kief all day! "Pot-faced" was a term used my many to describe the day! lol......:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
couple more pics from the Camp Far West BBQ.....we will prob do it again come Dec.:-P It was like a fun, reverse costume party. We weren't wearing name tags, so nobody knew who you were, until you told them. Everybody was guessing wrong! lol it was funny! ....:-o
I wan't a grillitup t-shirt and hoodie. It looks like it would be fun!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I couple of postable pics from prior BBQ at Camp RIU. These were all RIU members......we had this cove all to ourselves, built a HUGE campfire. Many people camped for the weekend. If I remember somebody even caught a big catfish at night. It was a big smoke-out. Everyone shared. I brought some dry ice & a bubble bag, & asked people to bring a little shake/trim. We made & smoked kief all day! "Pot-faced" was a term used my many to describe the day! lol......:eyesmoke:
these pictures make me wreallly want to go to the next one. when is it? I will go. im not nearly as anoooying in real life. i only play one on tv.