There's a little spot on the leaf.. what is it?


Active Member
Heyy it's Chug Life again bongsmilie
muahahaha, my plant is doing pretty good, it's a female:hump:
annd it keeps sprouting leaves like a mafucka
I was wondering if anyone could tell me any kiind of information
about what type of plant this could be or like, wether it's indica or sativa
caause I got a random seed from somebody, and it just so happened to be a female
hehehe i was lucky!!!!
buut on one of the leaves it seems that there is a little dot:confused:
it looks like a bleach dot
one of my friends had the idea that it could've been water on the leaf
that got over heated by the light and burnt it
I took a few pics, one of which the plant shows the dot
soo leave a few messages and tell me what cha think



Well-Known Member
It could be poss. diesease most plts. have it breed in,, the leaf is fine dont sweet it, more than 50% dam. and then its not doing its job. your fine. DBB. It also could be a bug bite. but they lookin good mannn!!


Well-Known Member
it's funny you say bleach. looks exactly like bleaching to me. when the light is too close you can sometimes get bleaching. it's really no big deal. just back the light up a bit.


Active Member
Lol it sounds most likely that the light is too close
but I don't understand that because it's in one certain spot
wouldn't it have spread all over the leaves?
annd a little while ago, somebody told me to lower my light because the plant was
"stretching" soo I did, and it burned it?
People confuse me..