These are Males?


Well-Known Member
I am pretty confident that I have identified these properly.
Tell me I'm Wrong PLEASE!
Is there a chance they're a hermie or straight up dude! (only time I'm looking for tranny's)
seedlings 11-27-11 009.jpgseedlings 11-27-11 016.jpgseedlings 11-27-11 020.jpg


Well-Known Member
males they are.

at least in the the last picture you can see balls. the other two aren't clear enough.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the blurry photo, but the middle one may be female. The last one is absolutely a male, and most likely the first also, but the first two photos are blurry so........


Active Member
Hard to really tell for sure, pictures are a little blurry. I would say they are all males, and once there's one it will pollinate all the others.