These grew out of my plants soil are they magic mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
I heard if you squeeze them and they turn blue they're edible, not sure if that's true though

I saw some of the exact same shrooms in a plant I inherited not too long ago, I just pulled them

Al Dente

I wouldn't take anyone's word for it over the internet if I were you. If you know anyone IRL who is a serious mycologist, maybe you could trust them. Even so I'd make the person telling me they were edible prove it by eating one first. And then waiting for a couple of hours to give toxins time to show.


Well-Known Member
mushrooms are normal in healthy soil but it can mean the soil is on the wet side. They should not be eaten and you shouldn't let your pets near them.


Active Member
if you turn blue it means there bad, if you stay a healthy warm pale skin color your good to go....Enjoy either way...... Peace.


Well-Known Member
they do not look like any species ive seen that contain any active ingredients. i have seen those in fields, they dont do anything, are not poison, and have a weird thin skin texture when you eat them, kinda slimy. oh and shrooms dont contain dmt, they are mostly psilocybin or psilocin. for more information on about every drug go here:


Well-Known Member
In mycology terms, those are called LBM's. aka little brown mushrooms. There are about 300 different species of those and while yes, the psychedelic variety due bruise blue to purple on the stems and caps, so do several other kinds. There are not many mushrooms in the genus that can kill you but nonetheless, it is a very bad idea to just cross your fingers and eat wild mushrooms.


Active Member
this is them are they edible or contain dmt?View attachment 1479256

I used to do magic mushies back in the day, lol. I never saw one that didn't grow directly out of cow poo, we had to go running through cow paddocks to find them. I know of 2 varieties, and that is neither of them. And yep it should turn a blue colour inside the stem if you bust it.
Remember eating the wrong mushrooms does kill, so dont ever do it unless you are 100%sure. Its not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
I used to do magic mushies back in the day, lol. I never saw one that didn't grow directly out of cow poo, we had to go running through cow paddocks to find them. I know of 2 varieties, and that is neither of them. And yep it should turn a blue colour inside the stem if you bust it.
Remember eating the wrong mushrooms does kill, so dont ever do it unless you are 100%sure. Its not worth the risk.
we used to pik them early in the morn off cow pies in tx and they didnt look like that i think they were blue or purple.. it was great pikin them then firing up a 50 cal on rock n roll great tracer trails