no I watch them struggle (it's funny, I have videotape!), yeah though rats are fucking nasty, my buddy had stitches once (this is what he told me) somehow his pet rat escaped from it cage, and he woke up in a pile of blood with his rat chewing out his stitches and gnawing at his bloody flesh. (YUCKY!) I will feed snakes as many rats as they want!!!! Plus the pet shop I go to gives me special pricing because they know they are for my snakes and I am a regular. Never tried pigs though (no access) ----(how could you kill babe J/K... after they are dead are you like "that;ll do pig that'll do!) LOL! Anyways some snakes have trouble actually feeding live if they have never done it before, but once they get the hang of it they are some cold blooded killers! This one snake I had was constricting the ass of my buddies rabbit, but the rabit wasn;t suffocating, but it was getting its shit squished out (literally) After about two hours and the rabit not being dead I had to take measure into my own hands....Long story short I would not fuck with feeding snakes!!!! Ether way though it all worked out in the end!