They are not Germinating..


I got quite depressed by germinating for the first time..

Thing is that I got 5~7 seeds from a friend of mine (Ch9 aroma, Master Kush and free seeds)

I put them into water for 24hrs but nothing happened.

So i moved them to papertowel in between 75~80 temperature,
but it's already been 1 more day..3 seeds have little bit cracked but nothing like germination seems to happen.
So, It has been almost 3days total with no change..

My buddy's telling me that those seeds were kept in the fridge for quite a while.
Is this could be a reason of it?? and Should I wait some more time? or are they hopeless?..

Any advise welcomed for this poor newbie..thanx


Well-Known Member
I would not fret too much. Sometimes seeds can take several days before you can see the taproot. Try to exercise a little patience and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, if you don't have the patience to wait more than a day or two just for a bean to crack, you'll never survive a whole grow. Give it time.


Active Member
Toss them in a small pot with dirt, water and cover it with a baggy... You are being a little over attentive I think. Just give them some time to do their thing.
i used the cup of water for my seeds it took almost 3 days and i could barely see the tap root i planted them and after another 2 days or so they started to sprout just dont plant to deep or you might end up digging around like i did


Active Member
Forget the cup of water paper towel rock wool bla bla bla bush shit!!! Bang them littlw fuckers in your soil which has been well saturated (watered) and leave them to pop. If the seeds are a lighter green there prob deadbound anuway. Dark greeny brown seeds are okay. Just let mother nature do her thing and stop over complecating shit. My main rule of thumb is simplicity. And it seems to be working pritty well with me too.

P.s. Im on my first grow. I asked and asked recived info yeah but the best bit of info i recived was to keep everything simple.



Well-Known Member
The last seed I popped barely cracked when I put it in the soil. So if you want, you can keep it in the paper towels a little longer to see what happens, or just pop them in the soil you're gonna use. Or do a experiment and try both methods with the seeds to see what happens. Learn from your mistakes.

And yeah, patience is the name of the game I believe. When you don't have patience, you worry to much about your plants and make a bad decision based on worries.


Well-Known Member
Wait longer and dont let thed towels dry out , and dont be so depressed its only dope.


Well-Known Member
when i germ my seeds i use a glass of distilled water i take the seed an sand them down rolling up a piece of sand paper shake a little put in water an sit the cup in the cabinet above the refrigerator an i get a tap root in a day or two try that


I keep mine in water a couple days then move to a wet towel in a warm area . Great success so far . Keep them in a the dark with the wet towel .


Staff member
you need a wee bit more patience my friend, and by a wee bit i mean a shit ton