They're all gone!!!!


Well-Known Member
Went to my spot today and they are ALL gone!!!!! every damn one of them!! No footprints or nothing!! I checked everywhere to see if someone maybe moved them somewhere else to keep for themselves and nothing anywhere! I had a feeling this shit would happen sooner or later...DAMNIT!!! Such a shitty feeling...Never goin back there again!! My 6fter :( :( :(
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Well-Known Member
Aw... FUCK! :cuss:

I am so sorry to hear that. I was looking forward to seeing your girl in full flower.
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New Member to be you big were they?And how many plants..

Also,what strains..Ill be mad losing some good ass genetics..but if it was shitty shwag bagseed..then youll have to go cry somewhere else!!


New Member
damn homie that sucks balls you just gotta backtrack and find where you slipped up or maybe some1 found it by chance i dont know but that is not right i know if some1 stole my beauties i would cry like a school girl thats fosho


Well-Known Member
iI had about biggest was 6ft. then 4.5 ft then 3ft....the rest were 1.5-2ft....I freaked out and deleted all my pictures just incase, i really dont know why but if you dont remember they were HUGE!! They were from the flamest buds ive smoked in about buddy was slinging and had 20 seeds that he gave me from all the QP's he was pickin up...Every QP there was about 3-4 seeds in it...This shit was FIRE!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!

Johnny-you remember what they looked like...DAMN PRETTY!!!

I think it mightve been people that mow the grass in the land behind me so i think 2morrow im going to do a thourough search of the area...I only looked so far because i was in a panic but it would be the most exciting day if i found them again!! PLEASE PRAY!!!
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Active Member
That has got to be a horrible feeling, goin out all "I wonder how they are doin" only to get AWW FUCK!!!!

I am guna smoke one for you right now.


Well-Known Member
That has got to be a horrible feeling, goin out all "I wonder how they are doin" only to get AWW FUCK!!!!

I am guna smoke one for you right now.
Oh man your the shit! I havent smoked in two weeks as of today due to a recent panic disorder problem ive been having aka panic attacks so i have to watch all my friends blaze flame nugs right in front of me!\

So much stress in my life goin on right now...


Active Member
What you think is worse, Some douche stole your crop OR some weed hater burned it all up in a bonfire?
I mean yeh it sux that there are douches like that out there but at least the herb will be used as oposed to being burt by some hater.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all of you for your support, really thanks...This is such a great all-around forum and i hope all the best for you all...ill still be on here everyday as usually though to help out the best i can with everbody and thier pride n joys


Well-Known Member
What you think is worse, Some douche stole your crop OR some weed hater burned it all up in a bonfire?
I mean yeh it sux that there are douches like that out there but at least the herb will be used as oposed to being burt by some hater.
Yeah i dont even know what to think right now...This is such BS!!!!!


Active Member
did they take them including roots or ripped em out and only took the plant?

if they left roots it was cops because most (not all) want the plant dead.

cops found my grow took 8 plants..