~ TheYuppies | Hydroponics Ebb n Flow | 3/600w MH, 2T5 Fixtures ~


Id first like to start off saying I just hit a couple bowls so sorry if I forget any details or leave out information. Also my grammar and spelling are horrid so please forgive me. I would gladly answer any questions by my fellow RIU community. I would appreciate any input people have. It is important to me that I get a couple opinions from different people about certain subjects to make my own judgment. I am not an expert by any means in this growing hobby but I have some basic knowledge that I have mostly learned from the RIU community. Please help me out with some constructive criticism and opinions.

So grab a chair, smoke a bowl, and lets get started...

The Veg Room

Not all bulbs are in

This is a recent addition that has only gone through 1 cycle. It has 2 levels that both have 2 2'x4' flood trays that drain to a 70 gal reservoir below them. The pump to the higher deck is more powerful than the lower one so that they fill and drain at the same rate. There is 2 large air stones in the reservoir as well. For the lighting the lower deck has a 4'x4 tube T5 florescent 6500° K. The top deck has the same except it is a 2 footer.

The Budding Room
I just made changes to the ventilation hopefully its a permanent change. The flow blows out to the roof from a fan pulling in air from through the lighting reflectors and then through the huge ass carbon filter. Im not sure why my dad got such big of one for this size room but what ya gunna do? The osculating fan has been moved.

Intake from outside air

I made some changes to my flood trays in the room. I was having root problems with previous grows and hopes this solves them and grow healthier plants. I have one 3'x6' flood tray and one 4'x4' flood tray that I put panda film over and cut holes for the pots to sit in perfectly. This makes it so no light hits any of the roots as they spread throughout the flood trays. It also helps with many other things such as algae problems. Should be interesting to see how this round goes with this new upgrade.

Under the 3x6 is a 70 gal resi. Under the 4x4 is a 40 gal resi.

The lighting for the room is 3 600w MH. The room fluctuates from 80-85 throughout the day with all the lights on full power and the fans going. Humidity pretty much stays at 50%


Active Member
Really nice man. Hope that panda film helps out with the root algae problems you were having, I'm pretty sure it will. Can't wait to see the results!


Active Member
So weird question for ya I run a Commercial Air 5 air pump and the SOB is laud, Ive seen the pump your running so just wanted to know how laud it gets??


So weird question for ya I run a Commercial Air 5 air pump and the SOB is laud, Ive seen the pump your running so just wanted to know how laud it gets??
Mine doesn't get very loud. I have noticed before that if its touching anything like the flood tray it will make a loud sound while its on because of the vibrations but other than that there pretty quiet.


Guess not.. Well this is how I cleaned my used hydroton for the next grow.
You will need a large trash can. The one that you put out for the garbage truck works best. The lid enables you to drain the water and roots out but keep the hydroton in.
You will also need a sturdy stick. I unscrewed the stick to my broom which worked very well.
I had the hydroton with all the plant matter and such in 5 gallon pots. I would pour the hydroton out of the pots into the trash can slowly with the hose on. You are spraying the falling hydroton with water as you empty out the whole pot into the trash can. Get a decent amount of water and hydroton in there. I never went higher than half the trash can.
Next I would stir for a while with the stick to try and knock off all the plant matter of the rocks. After this I would get my smaller pots and scoop out the hydroton and then drain the top of the pot/hydroton well with water. It would probably be even better to then put it in another pot and repeat but I didn't get that crazy. This got about 90% of all the plant matter off from what I can notice. I then put them in my flood trays and soaked them in correct pH water a couple times.


Active Member
Nice. I haven't gone hydro yet, but will someday. Throwing out all that soil every time is a waste, and soon I'll have quite a mound out back. That's good info about cleaning the hydroton - nice how you can use it over and over.


Yes it is Spark it is also easier to pick up as well imo. I was hoping to get the clones by now but wont be able to for a couple more days. Think im getting 25 kush.


Active Member
hope those get to you soon. And Im still trying to find a great way to clean hydroton. Im tired of seeing that light brown haze at the water line. some day ill come up with something
still dont understand why dont they wash it at the plant after they baked it.


Still haven't got the clones yet but should within the next 3 days. Were just waiting for the roots to poke through the bottom. I got sent a picture of them and there looking awesome.

Ive also been monitoring the fluctuations in pH throughout the days as I have my system running. After I set the pH to 5.5 I've noticed it increases about .12 every day. Trying to get dialed into exactly how much pH down to use here and there to keep it in the range its supposed to be.


im sure with the plants and nutes in there that will affect the Ph alot... i may be wrong never used your system
Im sure this is true and ill have to adjust once everything gets started but from previous grows it does seem to be around how much the pH drops as well.

This reminds me I haven't posted what nutes I will be using yet.
For Veg: Sensigrow A+B, Great White
For Bloom: Sensibloom A+B, Big Bud, Overdrive, and Final Phase for flush.

Im adding Great White to my nutes this time around to grow some crazy roots. Haven't tried it yet im excited.


Ive had noticeable success with both. If you want to get more than just your base nutes I highly recommend big bud and overdrive. You dont need very much of both and you only use them in the middle of budding.