Thin stem at the bottom


Active Member
hi im currently growing my first royal dwarf its 12 days old today touch wood i think its going ok just wondering about the stem at the bottom the first initial stem that popped up from the seed is thin but as it grows bigger the stem seems to be getting thicker im just worried will it grow thicker as it grows? i repotted yesterday as its roots where coming out of the little pot it was in should i have put it in the soil upto the cotyeldons or leave it as is thanks for the help in advance



Well-Known Member
It will thicken and harden as it gets older. Another trick I use for the weaker thinner stem is to have a slight fan breeze on the plant. That will cause it to thicken the stem to steady herself


Active Member
Thanks buzzzxx it does have a slight breeze blowing on it from the inline fan i might have to invest in a small desktop fan for inside the tent but limited for space as its a little tent