we had a HUGE power outage up here in the northeast this past winter. I went to work after just moving into my first place and I had no electricity and was totally bummed especially since I didnt have any weed. Driving home I am totally not looking forward to going home to do absolutly nothing. I drive a guy home I work with (during a snow storm) and he invites me up to his place since he has a generator. We have a couple beers and smoke some hookahs, and I build up some courage to ask him for a small bud for my girlfriend and I later on. He says ya sure and I am like sweet, then my girlfriend calls me and is all happy and whatnot and says shes cooking dinner and I am like wtf? we have power and she says yes, but the rest of the city has no power lol. I am HAPPY PS3, beer, weed here I come.
Now comes the shitty. So I live like 5 mins away from this guy but have to get on the turnpike for like 2 miles to get there. Since there is a HUGE power outage no street lights are working. So I am driving along and have to make a left hand turn to get on the ramp, and there is usually a light set there but I am just driving totally thinking about what I was going to do at my new place, no parents, for the first time ever ALONE. So I am making my left hand turn as I notice a bright as pair of headlights oncoming, I am like FUCK I just cut this guy off hardcore, I continue on as I don't think stopping in the middle of the intersection will help. I then notice it's a cruiser, and I am like NO I just just drank like 4 beers and smoked and have no gum or anything what so ever. I am by the way feeling a very good buzz. Cop comes to my window, with no flashlight and takes my license and registration, very politely and goes back to his car. no more then 2 minutes later comes back and gives me a verbal warning and lets me go, never even asked where i was coming from or where i was going. He did ask if I knew why he pulled me over and I answered yes, I should have yielded to you back there.