Think I killed her before life... help


Active Member
So this has never happened to me so I dunno if she'll even sprout. My pk beans opened this morning one with a little bigger root sprout witch was the one I snapped trying to get her to face down in the rockwool..... so one will sprout I know but dunno about the one root tip that just snapped did not break completely apart. Any of u guy ever have this happened and she still turned out fine or did I fuck up and killed her like I dumbass??


Well-Known Member
I do belive as long as you've got most of the root intact. It'll probably survive. Probably be a bit sluggish to begin with too. As you've hurt the only growth it has.

It's not called weed for nothing. Shits pretty hardy.


Active Member
I do belive as long as you've got most of the root intact. It'll probably survive. Probably be a bit sluggish to begin with too. As you've hurt the only growth it has.

It's not called weed for nothing. Shits pretty hardy.
Yeah man trust me already know they're pretty tough plants done some crazy shit in the past to other plants that would stressed the hell out of them but never this early and its life ... I hope your right I only had two of them beans had had to order from UK


Well-Known Member
I almost did the same thing with the current lot of beans. I couldn't get them to go in upright. They kept falling into the holes upside down.

Though. Mine are just bagseed. I felt the same worry when trying to correct their positioning.

I'm looking to do some autos with my next run. Taison from VIP seeds. And Purple Auto from Pyramid Seeds. Hoping I do better with known genetics. Rather than guessing everything.

Best of luck though. Keep us posted.


Active Member
That's cool man
My purple kush from seedsupreme their feminized auto.
And when this bag seed is done in like 3weeks in my other tent witch looks so good for a random seed I'm going to put amnesia and black dog in there
But definitely will keep you all posted. thanks for the good vibes I needed it I was freaking out over here


Active Member
Well just wanted to give u the update believe it or not she an up sprouting!!!
It's crazy how the root healed!
The bean was in the rock wool side ways cuz soon as I seen I snapped it I stopped immediately and left it the way it was.
So the whole time I could see the root heal and start to push the bean up.
The root healed like when you super crop a stem and it gets a fat knot where it got snapped over.
I'm guessing cuz it wasn't completely snapped off it was able to heal.
You were right though man! she just needed some time.
This plant never ceases to amaze me.