Think I nute burned my plants


I'm about 5 weeks into veg and the tips of 80% of my leaves are turning yellow. The plants in general look extremely healthy with lots of big green leaves, with the exception of the yellow tips. These yellow tips are showing up on new grown leaves too. I believe it's nute burn because I just started nuting recently and they were looking flawless until then.

Should I flush my plants or would they most likely recover if I ease up on the nutes?

Also, is there much risk of killing your plants with flushing?

I don't have a camera, but they look similar to this :

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
if it's just the tips you got a warning shot from the plant to cut back a bit. Never hurts to flush whether you overfed or not. Just wait till they dry out a bit overwatering is just as dangerous.