Thinkin I got a case of root rot..

Noticed a smell to my Super lemon haze which is only about a month into flower, and my Cinderella 99 which is About to be cut up...

This is only noticed within the past week, what can I do to prevent this later? I've read a few articles about root rot and many of em say it can be caused from overwatering and not letting the soil dry out, so I'm not sure where I went wrong. Here is a pic of my Super Lemon Haze. Think it can make it through?

2014-02-17 19.01.25.jpg


Well-Known Member
It looks more like nutrient burn but it's hard to tell from the angle and quality of the picture. If you can get a better picture I may be able to tell you what it is.


Well-Known Member
At second glance it's nutrient burn. The leave curling back and the burnt tips mixed with what looks like overly dark green leaves shows me that they are way over fed.


Well-Known Member
As far as making it through, flush with three time the amount of water to the size of pot. So if it's a five gallon pot run 15 gallons through it. The one close to finish is going to have to sit for two more weeks other wise the taste will be so bad it will be hard to smoke. And I wouldn't feed again and at least try to salvage what you have and clean out the excess. This is possible unless you burned so many roots that they are beginning to decay. Then again the smell could be caused by the leaf tissue being dry under the heat of HID lighting. Then again the picture is a little poor along with the angle


what gives you the impression its root rot friend? can you take a pictures of the soil in a better lighting (without the HPS on and maybe a blue or flourescent/natural light will even work better for the soil wet or muddy? if so is it wet and muddy all the time? do you have holes drilledi n your pots? how often do you water? when you do water how much water do you give them and how big is the pots...3gallon pots? 5gallon pots? its sort of hard to help without more speicfic facts and details. like one dude siad, it does look more like nutrient burn or at least nutrient burn is present, whether or not thats the only problem...i dont know, its hard to tell....after looking closely at the picture you the backround there i can see one or two smaller leaves that are curled up quite badly/ look crispy which def. looks like or has signs of some type ofa nutrient burn however, the one big leaf in the pic you shown doesnt look like actual nutrient burn, if you notice the tips of the leaves are yellowing starting from the outside working their way into the leaf...usually nutienet burn starts within the leaf veins in the middleo f the leaf although it can start from the outside in like that, but if it was nutrient burn only the leaves would turn brown, crispy and really curl up like the smaller ones in the back of your pic...honestly it looks like either some type of lockout or maybe even a small deifiency of one nutrient while to much of another nutrient which is causing the burned leaf tips....then on top of that the droopiness looks like some type of overwatering oor somethjing along the lines of that sort could becaused by many different things, both lockout and nutrient burn can cause drooping in some cases but as i said, with only one picture with bad lighting because of the HPS its sort of hard to tell...can you provide more details? this type of thing (drooping like that) can be caused even by it being to hot in the grow unfortunatley there are many reasons this stuff can be happening...maybe if you could provide some more details and specifics we could help better....stuff to include that can would be: in no particular order of importance...

grow room temperature on average, including high temp and low temp as well as the average
condition of soil on a daily basis (wet, muddy, dry, very dry)
what kind or type of soil (did it have nutrients in it? did you add your own? did you add more plus it had some?, more info the better)
the ph of the soil and water run off if you know it, if not not a huge deal, but it can help big time
how much your feeding daily (feeding schedule, the entire schedule)
how often you water and how much when you do water (includin how many feedings vs just plain waterings)
type of environment?....good airflow? do you have a fan? whats the temp? whats the RH? (relative humidity)
do you know the PPM of your water? (parts per million) can be found out with a PPM meter or an EC meter
whats the PPM before you add nutients, after you add?

not all of this stuff may be necessary to figure out your problem but the more info that you have the better and more accurate answers people can give you. no matter ehat plaese remember that its very hard fofr someone a 1000 miles away form you to just look at your plants in a pic and tell you exactly what wrong or going on...and while some are better than others, thje members of our community can usually help more often than not so, please try to be as specific as possible, the more specific you are the more specific we can be when providing you with answers...either way, good luck friend. peace
Ill get some more pics for you guys in better lighting. I started flower about 4 weeks ago for the super lemon haze using dry nutrients. I since switched to dyna gro, using the bloom nutrient which I watered with yesterday. I used .25 ml to start that off for the gallon of water.

The reason I suspected root rot is because this super lemon haze has gone downhill in the last week alone. It was doing great, leaves were going good, not too much to notice, but when I was watering last night I smelled a distinct smell from the bottom of the pot. I read that if it has root rot it could appear healthy and still prpduce but eventually it will fall over completely. The buds are still producing however the leaves seem like they are just dieing for no reason.


Well-Known Member
If it is a swampy smell it could be caused simply by overwatering. Pythium (sorry for the bad spelling) or root rot can arise from over watering but does not ALWAYS happen when a plant is overwatered. I clicked on the picture and like stated above it does look like a nutrient def mixed with a case of nutrient burn. It's hard since I can't tell if that is yellowing or browning. It looks like potassium but than again I can really tell. And bloom nutrients have a decent amount of K in them. Although some overwatering and low humidity could cause K to be poorly absorbed. So more info and some better pictures are going to be needed but from what I can tell with what you have up, she got too much food at one point and may have something else going on as well.
To give an update to this, I started with .25 ml of Dyna Gro Bloom, and mixed a bit of Pro Tekt, and my plant is slowly becoming green again. I guess I may have misjudged as I've not smelled that odor before and perhaps I jumped the gun on a conclusion. It seems since I gave it a little bit of Pro Tekt, within the day I made this thread to now, the plant is getting green and thriving well. Thanks for the replies, I have a better understanding of Root Rot, and whether this was or wasn't, my plant is doing better now and is starting to get huge.

A little tender loving care can go a long ways :)

Thanks guys