Thinking about my second grow


New Member
Hi guys! I am new to this forum and of course about growing. Right now, I was thinking about my second grow in a 80 cm depth, 80 cm width , 160 cm height cabinet. I thought,will 250w mh for growth and 250w hps for flowering will be ok? I don't actually need huge yields, I am growing for myself, for fun. Thinking about 3 plants growing there. Yet, still I am afraid that the grow cabinet will get too hot and there is no such a steatlh fans to cool down the lamp. Maybe,anyone has any advice or something? Of course I am from Europe, thats why im using metric system here, sorry. My budget is about 800 dollars. Thank you for your advices and comments.

EDIT: The whole cabinet will be placed in a cool room, where temps keeps about 5C (41~ F) at night and at 12C ( 53F) At day.


Well-Known Member
Try get a fan to blow across the bulb and keep air circulating. I would assume your gunna need some sort of ventilation if the light is kept in small quarters! Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Never apologize for using the metric system.

With a 800 dollar budget you should be able to get decent gear. If space isn't a issue piss on the small cab and get yourself a 120x120x200 tent. A nice 400 watt cooltube and a inline fan/filter. All this lovely stuff can be had and come in well under your budget.

If you must run in the small cab you are going to need some kinda of active cooling. High intensity lights, even low wattage ones, can output a incredible amount of heat. Perhaps you can look into a 4 inch hood/inline fan and some ducting.


New Member
On my first grow i've had 180w
cfl lights in a 60cm x 60cm x 120cm grow box,with two 8cm pc fans for air intake and one 12cm pc fan for air extraction with 2 small pc fans for air circulations. Well then I have had problems with keeping temps above 15 celcius,because of that cold room, I was keeping my grow box


Wow, that's a really cold room! On the bright side, you probably won't even need ducting and will actively be needing the heat from the lamps just for survival, which is an interesting twist. It's absolutely do-able, you might even want a small space heater with a thermostat of some sort, to help keep your lights-off temps in the 18C. range, and if the heater has a circulation fan built-in, you're set. That also frees up a lot of budget that would have been spent on inlines and ducting.

You could still have the inline and ducting for odor filtering if you like, probably in the $150 range for 4" inline fan with speed control and a small can filter.

Good luck! I've read so much about heat control, it's kind of interesting to talk about heat increasing for a change.