Thinking about totally changing my life


Active Member
I just started smoking a few months ago due to an accident and using for pain as I was popping 3-4 hydrocodine at once and they didnt do much for me plus that addictive part of the scared me. Anyhow no more pills and actually have a positive outlook on life from smoking. It has really opened my mind up and got me thinking. I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt trapped and didnt see a real future with her anyhow. Smoking makes me think about dying and scares me. Makes me want to make the most out of my time here. I dated this gir for three years and split cold turkey. Just told her it isnt working anymore.

So what do I do now? The only reason I was in this town still was for her and now that shes gone I can leave. Im only 28 and want to have a great, adventerous life to look back on when Im old. Should I move to a better city or maybe switch countries? Costa rica or Grand Caymen? I could sell my car and go backpacking with my cousin in India if I really wanted or go live at my grandparents old lake house for a few month rent free? I love the feeling of freedom!!


dude, you're still young, single, and without kids (assuming this here).... what is your heart yearning to do?? no matter how little sense it makes to anyone else... go fuckin do it bro!! the only person that looks back on your life when they are dying is YOU ;)


Active Member
I just started smoking a few months ago due to an accident and using for pain as I was popping 3-4 hydrocodine at once and they didnt do much for me plus that addictive part of the scared me. Anyhow no more pills and actually have a positive outlook on life from smoking. It has really opened my mind up and got me thinking. I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt trapped and didnt see a real future with her anyhow. Smoking makes me think about dying and scares me. Makes me want to make the most out of my time here. I dated this gir for three years and split cold turkey. Just told her it isnt working anymore.

So what do I do now? The only reason I was in this town still was for her and now that shes gone I can leave. Im only 28 and want to have a great, adventerous life to look back on when Im old. Should I move to a better city or maybe switch countries? Costa rica or Grand Caymen? I could sell my car and go backpacking with my cousin in India if I really wanted or go live at my grandparents old lake house for a few month rent free? I love the feeling of freedom!!
What can you do for work?

Going to your grandparents house for a couple months while you figure shit out might be a good idea.

I've been to a few different parts of India and if you go that route, be ready for a culture shock. If you are squeamish about being around a lot of people in small spaces, sanitary conditions, spicy food, etc... then you might want to rethink your destination.

The Grand Cayman islands are amazing...


shit, so long as you don't have some debilitating disease that makes you immobile like me then you'd better go exploring or I am gonna kick your lazy ass!


Active Member
Im healthy. Just scared about moving somewhere in the financial state Im in now and the economy isnt very good anywhere as far as I know?


Well-Known Member
Your first step is to search your own heart and find out on your own what you want to do. No one here can help you with that.

All I know is that if you are spending time and energy on things you don't control (the past/future or trying to change other ppl, etc) then you are suffering. Live with total awareness of the present moment and feel all of life's energies fully, good or bad. Recognize your moments of closure and re open yourself to lifes experience. Do all of this while following whatever yearning your heart feels at its depth.

What touches you down deep? What really hits home? What moves you like nothing else moves you?


Active Member
Well Im actually doing it guys. Im moving across the state to a much bigger city where I have some family and friends. Hopefully it will work out well for me!!

Sr. Verde

Well Im actually doing it guys. Im moving across the state to a much bigger city where I have some family and friends. Hopefully it will work out well for me!!

Congrats man

Dont put all your money into it and get stuck

You may find you dont like the new place and need to look for another new place

Just dont settle my man, cause the only person your cheating is yourself

Be sure to come back to this thread every once in a while and tell us whats up


Active Member
Dude make sure you have a secret bank account so you can always have money for a ticket home... some adventures need a way back home... and clicking your heels 3 times never works.... PEACE


Active Member
See thats the thing I moved to this city for a job. Now that I lost that and the girl I have no reason to stay here. I dont like the town here and Im moving to a nice big city where I have family Im going to stay with till I get a job and a few friends that are doing very well for themselves. Its a no brainer really. Im excited to leave at this point.


If it was me, i'd go live somewhere great and scenic (though i'm not sure where yet) and grow. grow. grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man do what you want. Sounds good that your going to another city with friends and family. Always a good way to start up again. But if you have the chance and still want to.. Travel as much as possible. Go to Italy. So amazing there. From venice to rome and further south. Travel it all. So much history and the food is the best youll ever taste. But good luck in your travels! Hope it all turns out well