Thinks I @$#* it up


So I transplanted my seedlings 4 days ago. However the premium organic soil i used sucks. Poor drainage and there are weeds in it now growing. It seems that some are having a hard time in this soil. I plan on putting them in 10 gallon grow bags and promix when i put them outdoors for the summer. Would it be a bad idea to remove them from the soil they have been in for 4 days and put them in a better medium like pro mix. I also was going to feed them half strength AN sensi a&b, b52 and voodoo juice. is this a bad idea?


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
needs pearlight to loosen up the soil helps you control moisture,way too soon to feed , change out the soil anytime


Well-Known Member
those are too young and fragile to try transplanting right now. the only way you could do it would be by going to a bigger pot and that would create other problems. just leave them be. they'll be fine in a few days. don't water as much. let the soil get nice and dry to 1" below the surface before you water again. then when they are ready to transplant look into a better soil or soiless medium. i recommend sunshine advanced #4 because it is soiless and you control the plant nutes. everyone has their own opinion though.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. the weeds are the least of your issues at this time. pluck them and move appropriately forward.:arrow:


Active Member
what would scoobie doo? leave em be for a week let the roots catch up to the top side growth. are they indoor or out door plants


Thanks for the advice folks. I tend to be a over thinker at times. My friend popped over last night and said the same things you all did.:weed: I think im just gonna slow down and watch the grass grow. Their health has seemed to improve. They sprouted about ten days ago, when can i start to feed them? These are plants are intended for the outdoors. Thanks again folks


Well-Known Member
You should always add perlite but its not the organic mix causing this its you overwatering and trying to correct the problem by watering. Blow some fans on them to help pots dry quicker to allow more O2 to the roots and dont wateruntil the pot is light to lift and dont bother transplanting they are stressed enough.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice folks. I tend to be a over thinker at times. My friend popped over last night and said the same things you all did.:weed: I think im just gonna slow down and watch the grass grow. Their health has seemed to improve. They sprouted about ten days ago, when can i start to feed them? These are plants are intended for the outdoors. Thanks again folks
Bro this is no time to kick back in your rocking chair and hope for the best, this is a serious problem and the babies are near dead, also when you stress them like this at this age the plant never reaches full potential.


Well-Known Member
it's totally possible to transplant your seedlings. humidty is key. moisture loss at that age will kill your plants. if it were me i would let them go.