Third Grow...still learning


So here is the meat and bones:

2 plants (Liberty Haze) in a scrog. Pro Mix soiless medium. Using the full set and schedule of Fox Farm Nutes. I have stuck to the schedule pretty closely, with the exception of vegging for 6 weeks instead of 4 due to getting the scrog filled up. That did cause a small nute burn while going into flower because I tried to push them another week before flushing them. My garden is in a 2x3x5 grow tent with a 600w ipower mh/hps kit. I am currently on week 10 of the 12 week schedule. They are starting to look alot closer to being ready than the schedule indicates. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
I fukin LOVE purple Budz!! :bigjoint: Pretty, pretty, pretty. Give us a closer view of that cola please. It's been 6 weeks since harvest and my Winter grow just got flipped. So I'm hungering for some bud pRon :weed:

Seriously, nice job, now bring it on home :leaf:

R2T :peace:


Thanks Rold. Still learning everyday. How close do you think it is from harvest? I will take a few better pics tonight when they wake up. My first two grows were so so. Well the first one was a disaster but it was just bag seed from regs. the 2nd was still bag seed but from some Trainwreck my cousin gave me. This one is my first grow with seeds from a bank. I bought a microscope and I am seeing some cloudy heads on the tri's but it is hard to tell because there is just so damn many of them. LOL


Well-Known Member
She looks amazing buddy! Plus rep!
Get a 30x loop and look at the tricks . There a tell sign if ready, cost ya like $8.00


Active Member
wait till you see some amber trichs at least,each strain matures different,you cant rely on a feed schedule from a bottle/mfr ,once you know the strain,you set the schedule,most schedules are for indica ,but I like to let my indicas go for a little longer ,not all fully mature in 8 weeks ,they will be done,just not totally ripened,Id say you got a at least 3 more weeks,but Ive never the stain to say for sure,just keep an eye on the trichs


Everything I read about the strain says that she is a fast flowerer. she has actually been under the hps 12/12 for more like 7 or 8 weeks. The fox farm schedule doesn't number the weeks you flush. I really just need more practice with that scope i think. Very difficult to get a clear look and once you do it's gone quick due to movement and such. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I will post more pics tonight.


Active Member
I dont start checking trichs until all the pistils are mature and receding ,use two hands one to steady the bud and the other pivots with the scope edge of your palm to palm basically,just hold lightly,dont squeeze , they are not titties,dont be tempted to smell her anymore than you do by brushing it lightly


Active Member
Xarn,did you use the open sesame? I usually use it once myself, to start flowering,then I run Advanced Nutes,but that shit works great.


Yes I did use it. Now I am on to the Cha Ching from fox farms. Stuff is crazy! I mean the buds have gotten so freakin fat the last 2 weeks it is almost unbelievable. I am watching for mold like crazy though. The schedule says to spray Flower Kiss (2tsp per gallon) every feeding. But I remember somewhere that you should stop spraying once you move into flower. I did stop early flowering....but noticed what looked like Mg deficiency in the fan leaves. So I started spraying lightly every feeding (about twice a week). No Mold that I can see yet....Fox Farm's full line up of nutes and supplements might be expensive, but it works wonders! I just don't know why they don't balance the Ph more. Always have to raise it every feeding



So I meant to take more pics last night but my three kids went on a terror and was not able to get to the basement. So I grabbed my Nikon D50 and quickly took these about 5 minutes after the light cut off this morning. Lense was casting shadows from the shitty flash; thought about photoshoping them but said to hell with it.

I lolypoped a small side shoot from a lower tier and was able to take a closer look at it with my 420 scope at 60x. Saw more amber on the tri's than i could while it was downstairs. Trimmed it and through it in the oven this morning @ 200f for 20 min. Still smelled green but in grinded nicely and I am currently blizt out of my mind atm. Without further adoo (or however the fuck you spell it):


So are the done or what?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Nope not done! (pic #2 says so) Your going to get better quality by ignoring the seed companies "recommended" flower time and running for another say,,couple of weeks......To many white pistols yet on yours......I'll bet you've got enough nute's in the soil to start running plain water at your regular amount for a week or so then start your "hard wash"..


Thanks for the reply Dr. Who. And wiblly wobly timey whimy bro!

I have been feeding and watering with Distilled water, cuz i flat out don't trust the tap water here. They are due the first feeding of week 10 tonight. But they are older than that. I extended week 4 2 weeks then skipped week 8. They are due a flush next week. So should I go ahead and feed this last time and flush next week or stick to distilled water only?