this bitch is stressing me out


Active Member
im using fox farms ocean grow mixed with jolly farmer potting soil, mixed with blood meal and some bat guano...what is going on here!?!?!? the other relatives are doing not so bad, but this one is messin with me



Active Member
u think it will run its course and get gradually better?im not guna water for a few days cuz its guna rain this weekend..


Well-Known Member
ya i completely agree. using FFOF alone has enough nutes to sustain without adding any for a few weeks. you have added bat guano and blood meal, and some other soil which im sure has additives of its own. i see a flush and some pretty ladies in the near future, just watch adding anything with FF for atleast 2 weeks.


Active Member
I know it sounds like your feeding it too much ... but it really looks like a nitrogen def. .... I'd do the flushes to be sure and check your runoff for p.h. lvl if you can. After it dries out from the flush a little I would slowley work my way back up and I would try wichever one has the most nitrogen first if it where me . It doesnt look that bad ... it should recover just fine , may be a little behind the others for a bit if it stunts for a few but no biggy ... good luck - hope it turns around and does well for ya....


Active Member
its jus this one plant the other five look fine and yea i havent even started fertilizing yet today i gave them some plant food because i thought it might be a nitrogen deficiency i guess we'll see how this plays out


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds like your feeding it too much ... but it really looks like a nitrogen def. .... I'd do the flushes to be sure and check your runoff for p.h. lvl if you can. After it dries out from the flush a little I would slowley work my way back up and I would try wichever one has the most nitrogen first if it where me . It doesnt look that bad ... it should recover just fine , may be a little behind the others for a bit if it stunts for a few but no biggy ... good luck - hope it turns around and does well for ya....
Nitrogen deficiency's start from the bottom up a little FYI for ya ;) Also umm why would you flush if there's a deficiency is-int that the problem in the first place not enough nutrients and your telling him to flush the rest away hehe seem to defeat the purpose :/

IMO Its a magnesium deficiency, Might be a little sulfur deficient as well. Its true tho FFOF does have nutrients in it already so a little weird.


Well-Known Member
i've seen something similar where it was a deficiency caused by lockout caused by overfert or even high/low ph.. it doesn't look that bad should pull through.. i wouldn't feed anything else for a while just check your ph like jeff said.

could be wrong though