This good enough to get some clones going? *PICS*


Active Member
Well, I wanted some clones of my beautiful lady, so I went ahead and took some cuttings but I don't really have anywhere to put them right yet so I've just got them in a closet right now.

Could somebody please take a look at the pic below and let me know if this will be good enough to get some clones rooting or what I'll have to change to make it better.

Thanks guys. :eyesmoke:


New Member
looks great bro! just put a fan underneath where the white things are to circulate the air underneath.


those cuttings look pretty big. if they are too big the plat will die before it is able to root. you need to remove most of the leafs. you also may need to snip off the tips of the leafs to even futher remove some foliage.

notice this picture, there are very few leafs, and some of the tips have been snipped.



Active Member
Alright thanks guys, I poked some holes in the dome, removed some leaves and snipped some leaves aswell. :bigjoint:

A couple more questions...

Is it alright to leave the light on 24/0?
How often should I check to see if its rooted and how long in should I first check for roots?


24 hours is fine for the clones. as far as checking for roots, it looks to me like you have those cuttings in small pots of soil, correct me if im wrong. But if they are in soil how do you intend on checking for roots? if i had clones in soil i would just wait to see if the cutting survived, rather than bother the plant by trying to check for roots. this is why most people use soil-less mediums to grow, because they retain water well and you can see the roots as they grow out of the cubes.

tell me what you using exactly?


New Member
yea dont check if they are live then theyre growing roots lol 1 step at a time i would transplant after the plants is showing growth.


Active Member
Yeah, I've just got them in some small plantable pots so I'll just wait until the roots make their way through the pots. Thanks for the help guys.

Also, I took the cuttings from the mother plant which was just over a week into flowering. Any idea around how long it'll take for them to be ready to be put into a bigger pot and start vegging?


Hey Remember that you must keep it super humid!!!. your plant has no roots so it can only absorb water thru the leafs, spray it multiple times daily. dont let it dry out.
good luck man!