This is 50% of why I stay in the business


Well-Known Member
We're commercial growers, but do personal grows in the summer. We get about 2-3 older couples a month that know our biz and will reach out to us for questions because they want out of Pharma meds, or that thier Pharma meds have terrible side affects. We'll bring them in, and consult for a couple of hours, ask about their medical history, pharma meds they are on, etc. We've always gotten great feedback, and almost all come off of pharma meds once they discover the healing powers of Cannabis. Yesterday, we had a couple out in thier late 70's, and "Bob" has degenerative bone in his neck. I could see him flinch in pain as we were talking. We had some RSO diluted 3:1 and some flower ready for them to look at and discuss dosage. We had Bob (who had never smoked or partaken Cannabis before) take a couple of puffs, and waited to see how he reacted. He said he felt "something".. we had him take a couple more small puffs, and as they left (after giving dosage instructions on the drops) he was smiling. His wife text us later that night and said that Bob broke down in tears after taking the RSO drops and a few more puffs. He told his wife "I've not felt this good and pain free in such a long time"... this really warms my heart to see older people discover that this is not taboo anymore, and that specific terpenes can help heal your body and lessen your daily pain, and depression from the constant pain as we get older. I love hearing all of the stories from older folks that have always been told that weed is the devils lettuce, and then discover that it really works for them. We don't charge them for anything. We just enjoy seeing people getting relief from a natural plant. I get more pleasure doing this for people like them than any other aspect of the business. I could go on and on about the countless people we've helped. This is why we do it.
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We're commercial growers, but do personal grows in the summer. We get about 2-3 older couples a month that know our biz and will reach out to us for questions because they want out of Pharma meds, or that thier Pharma meds have terrible side affects. We'll bring them in, and consult for a couple of hours, ask about their medical history, pharma meds they are on, etc. We've always gotten great feedback, and almost all come off of pharma meds once they discover the healing powers of Cannabis. Yesterday, we had a couple out in thier late 70's, and "Bob" has degenerative bone in his neck. I could see him flinch in pain as we were talking. We had some RSO diluted 3:1 and some flower ready for them to look at and discuss dosage. We had Bob (who had never smoked or partaken Cannabis before) take a couple of puffs, and waited to see how he reacted. He said he felt "something".. we had him take a couple more small puffs, and as they left (after giving dosage instructions on the drops) he was smiling. His wife text us later that night and said that Bob broke down in tears after taking the RSO drops and a few more puffs. He told his wife "I've not felt this good and pain free in such a long time"... this really warms my heart to see older people discover that this is not taboo anymore, and that specific terpenes can help heal your body and lessen your daily pain, and depression from the constant pain as we get older. I love hearing all of the stories from older folks that have always been told that weed is the devils lettuce, and then discover that it really works for them. We don't charge them for anything. We just enjoy seeing people getting relief from a natural plant. I get more pleasure doing this for people like this than any other aspect of the business. I could go on and on about the countless people we've helped. This is why we do it.
Do they not teach grammar and paragraph usage in OK, :lol:.
That is absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!
Love hearing when the older generation finds relief with something that has been ingrained in their minds as evil their entire lives. I've got a few Veterans that I help out with controlling PTSD and other things since the VA is still on their "its illegal" kick. I've got a down and out Indica that helps with James's PTSD that his wife can't thank me enough for, she is damn near in tears every time they come to see me. It's gotten him off the horrible anti-psych meds they had him on, and has allowed him "peaceful" sleep for the last 18 months. The VA doctors are still "skeptical" because they want to keep feeding him that shit, but Lisa tells them to get lost, "he's found relief" and is a believer in the power of how cannibas can help people. She says that since he's gotten off the anti-psych meds, and started cannabis, his night sweats, fighting in dreams, restlessness, and general lack of a good nights sleep, have all but disappeared.
Helping out fellow Veterans is what I will continue to do as long as I'm still 6 feet above the ground, and seeing the relief that James gets, and the gleam in Lisa's eyes when they come over for a restock, is more than enough for me.
As long as they need it, I will continue to provide FREE meds to fellow Veterans who find relief with Cannabis and get off the horrible Pharmaceutical Train.
That is absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!
Love hearing when the older generation finds relief with something that has been ingrained in their minds as evil their entire lives. I've got a few Veterans that I help out with controlling PTSD and other things since the VA is still on their "its illegal" kick. I've got a down and out Indica that helps with James's PTSD that his wife can't thank me enough for, she is damn near in tears every time they come to see me. It's gotten him off the horrible anti-psych meds they had him on, and has allowed him "peaceful" sleep for the last 18 months. The VA doctors are still "skeptical" because they want to keep feeding him that shit, but Lisa tells them to get lost, "he's found relief" and is a believer in the power of how cannibas can help people. She says that since he's gotten off the anti-psych meds, and started cannabis, his night sweats, fighting in dreams, restlessness, and general lack of a good nights sleep, have all but disappeared.
Helping out fellow Veterans is what I will continue to do as long as I'm still 6 feet above the ground, and seeing the relief that James gets, and the gleam in Lisa's eyes when they come over for a restock, is more than enough for me.
As long as they need it, I will continue to provide FREE meds to fellow Veterans who find relief with Cannabis and get off the horrible Pharmaceutical Train.
Bless you!.. that's awesome!.. we had a lady get driven up from TX. She was about 85 lbs soaking wet, and couldn't eat, drive, get out of the house.. we started her on some meds, and now she's gained about 30 lbs, and moves around better than she has in years. Dr's couldn't figure out anything for her.
That's awesome about the drops. I didn't actually read your post until a minute ago. I just rubbed my wife's back a few minutes ago. I need to check this shit out for real. (:. I'm sure she would love it and it'd help.
We take our personal outdoor crop and hang it in the shop. If you're making drops, it really don't matter how dry it gets because your just going to extract it anyways. I'll get about a lb, and run it through the electric grinder. Then I soak it in EverClear and strain it through 3 micron filters. Pour the soup in a rice cooker and boil off the Everclear, and set on warm for about an hour. I then draw up the raw RSO, and If I get 10ml of raw, I'll add 30 ml of GMO coconut oil while it's still warm and fluid. Mix it up a bit, and then draw it up in a large syringe and fill up 30ml dropper bottles. Some people like the taste, and some don't. I don't mind it myself. Tastes like weed.
We take our personal outdoor crop and hang it in the shop. If you're making drops, it really don't matter how dry it gets because your just going to extract it anyways. I'll get about a lb, and run it through the electric grinder. Then I soak it in EverClear and strain it through 3 micron filters. Pour the soup in a rice cooker and boil off the Everclear, and set on warm for about an hour. I then draw up the raw RSO, and If I get 10ml of raw, I'll add 30 ml of GMO coconut oil while it's still warm and fluid. Mix it up a bit, and then draw it up in a large syringe and fill up 30ml dropper bottles. Some people like the taste, and some don't. I don't mind it myself. Tastes like weed.
Awesome. Do you decarb it first?
I'm doing much the same as you up here in The Great White North @DoubleAtotheRON. Just out of my hobby grow tho with no commercial stuff going on.

I've been supplying pot and pot meds to a few friends up here for ages. Our 75 yo lady friend likes the CBD for her really bad arthritis and works 30 hours a week in a supermarket deli. Likes a toke too. Another buddy has stage 4 prostate cancer so giving him all the RSO he can handle. He's gone thru about 50cc so far.

Going to get into making gummies so dropped a yard and a half on a couple gummy moulds. One THC and the other CBD so we don't go mixing up the gummies and fucking people up. :) Another yard at least for the bulk Jell-O and other ingredients I'm ordering from amazon. 2kg of Jell-O for $16 is a decent price. Each of the moulds takes 768ml to fill all 192 - 4ml cavities so will need big batches and buying those little boxes at the store would clean them out.

The wife and I use all this stuff for ourselves too so it's that so hard to make extra to share. People like us scare the legal market tho and too f'n bad for them the greedy rat bastards!

The tincture is a godsend to me. I don't evaporate it down to rso but I evaporate it down to the strength I like. To all of you caregivers providing help and education to people out there, you deserve a big thumbs up. I hope we can get our plant count raised next year so I can grow a little more for other vets. This is four strains of my tincture I keep in the freezer. Different strains for different times of day.IMG_20220521_173047515.jpg
The tincture is a godsend to me. I don't evaporate it down to rso but I evaporate it down to the strength I like. To all of you caregivers providing help and education to people out there, you deserve a big thumbs up. I hope we can get our plant count raised next year so I can grow a little more for other vets. This is four strains of my tincture I keep in the freezer. Different strains for different times of day.View attachment 5137032
What do you mean by “not evaporate down to RSO?”.. you mean you stop short on the decarb with some solvent left?… what’s your process?
It is fortunate that in OK you CAN grow a lot more than most people can use. We use but don't smoke anymore. We make edibles and meds.

We have a very good friend that grows with us that is still on RSO. (I live on a small farm so everyone has their own garden). She is just finishing her 2nd month of RSO for lung cancer. Because of COPD and emphysema the doctors wrote her off. They said they couldn't do anything for her.

She got a report last Tue. that all seven cancers are now stable!!! She has maybe 8 or 10 doses left. We didn't start her on the "little get used to it" doses. She is a long time user so starting dose was half a surenge.

We just started a friend with neuropathy on a pain rub. It seems to work for that about like arthritis. It's funny you don't see a lot of writing about that so we didn't even know if it would work.

What do you mean by “not evaporate down to RSO?”.. you mean you stop short on the decarb with some solvent left?… what’s your process?
I do this in DC where it's legal first of all. It's highly illegal in my home state if VA. I take the amount of bud I'm using, usually an ounce and break it up by hand or scissors if you want into pieces the size you'd put in a bowl or joint roughly. They can be bigger if you want. Then I decarb at 240 for 40 minutes in the oven on a cookie sheet with some tinfoil half ass sealing it up but again, I don't really stress about it being perfect. If you have a decarb machine then your ahead of the game, just decarb the flower and go on to the soak.
I then freeze my decarbed bud and Everclear from 4-24 hours just depends on what kind of a rush I'm in to get it done, science....right. Once everything is good and cold I'll put the bud in a sterile mason jar and pour enough Everclear over it to cover it with maybe a 1/4" above the top and shake the jar pretty vigorously for 60 seconds. Then I put it in the freezer for a few hours to settle and take it out. It stays in a dark bag for 7 days getting gently shaken for 60 seconds every day and put back in the jar. Once it's done, it's strained twice through 3 coffee filters and the liquid ranges from Amber to really dark green. It has more chlorophyll than other methods but it picks up a lot of whole plant terps and other goodies by going so long I feel and I don't notice the taste. I end up with a finished product that is pure Everclear and extract that takes about 30-40 drops in a coffee or soda to medicate with but by putting 8 ounces in a measuring cup and either boiling it off in a double boiler if I'm in a hurry or just letting it evaporate down to 4 ounces it's then twice as strong and I only need 15-20 drops as an alcohol tincture. I can take it down to 2 ounces if I want and the dose will be 7.5-10 drops then. You can also evap all the alcohol and end up with the tar like stuff you guys use I believe that's RSO. I've never done that as the alcohol is very versatile and you can take it sublingually too. It goes into edibles really easy as well, just add it to a candy recipe right before it's done and the booze evaps out from the boiling heat of the cooking process leaving the concentrate behind in the candy.
I do this in DC where it's legal first of all. It's highly illegal in my home state if VA. I take the amount of bud I'm using, usually an ounce and break it up by hand or scissors if you want into pieces the size you'd put in a bowl or joint roughly. They can be bigger if you want. Then I decarb at 240 for 40 minutes in the oven on a cookie sheet with some tinfoil half ass sealing it up but again, I don't really stress about it being perfect. If you have a decarb machine then your ahead of the game, just decarb the flower and go on to the soak.
I then freeze my decarbed bud and Everclear from 4-24 hours just depends on what kind of a rush I'm in to get it done, science....right. Once everything is good and cold I'll put the bud in a sterile mason jar and pour enough Everclear over it to cover it with maybe a 1/4" above the top and shake the jar pretty vigorously for 60 seconds. Then I put it in the freezer for a few hours to settle and take it out. It stays in a dark bag for 7 days getting gently shaken for 60 seconds every day and put back in the jar. Once it's done, it's strained twice through 3 coffee filters and the liquid ranges from Amber to really dark green. It has more chlorophyll than other methods but it picks up a lot of whole plant terps and other goodies by going so long I feel and I don't notice the taste. I end up with a finished product that is pure Everclear and extract that takes about 30-40 drops in a coffee or soda to medicate with but by putting 8 ounces in a measuring cup and either boiling it off in a double boiler if I'm in a hurry or just letting it evaporate down to 4 ounces it's then twice as strong and I only need 15-20 drops as an alcohol tincture. I can take it down to 2 ounces if I want and the dose will be 7.5-10 drops then. You can also evap all the alcohol and end up with the tar like stuff you guys use I believe that's RSO. I've never done that as the alcohol is very versatile and you can take it sublingually too. It goes into edibles really easy as well, just add it to a candy recipe right before it's done and the booze evaps out from the boiling heat of the cooking process leaving the concentrate behind in the candy.
I see.. I guess I’m lazy lol, it takes me about 4 hours from a lb of weed in the grinder to ready to use. But!, this is jut how I was taught to make it. Being in a legal State, we just have so much material to work with. I still got plants hanging from October.. but if you’re gonna make RSO, it don’t matter how dry it gets. And all the filtering and alcohol boiling cleans everything up. Interesting technique you got going on there.
How do you do RSO. I've always wanted to try it but it takes a lot of product I think.
Indeed, it does take quite of bit of good bud, but in this scenario, then end product goes a long ways. I take about a pound of bud, and send it into the grinder to make it pretty fine. Then I put it in a large stainless steel bowl, cover with EverClear and stir it around a bit. Then i'll take a clean cloth and rubber band it around a 2 gallon glass jar, making sure to make a deep pocket to hold the material/Everclear mix. After I get all the material dumped into the cloth pocket, I'll gently pull up the edges of the cloth, and twist and squeeze all the EverClear I can. I'll get another 2 gallon glass jug and filter that through a coffee filter. ...... wait, I gotta make a paragraph for @PadawanWarrior .
Then I'll take the mix and pour it into a rice cooker, and set it on "brown rice". It will start heating up and after about 20 min. be boiling. Do this outside, as the vapors are flammable!... as the Everclear boils off, I just pick up the cooker and stir it around a bit. You'll know when you're getting close when you see the bottom of the cooker bowl. Take a wet hand of water and splash the mix (just a few droplets), and make sure its not burning. You can now safely bring it into the house under your kitchen vent hood to finish it. Just put the cooker on "warm" for about an hour or so. You'll know when it's done when you see no more bubbles from the thickening tar. I then can either draw it up raw, or choose to dilute with MCT coconut oil. If I draw up 10ml raw, I'll dump it back in, and add 30ml of the MCT oil (for a 3:1 ratio). Either way, always draw it up with the bowl of the cooker at a 45 degree angle and push as much of it as you can to the bottom with a silicone spatula so you can draw it up raw, or diluted while it's still warm to hot. There's always plenty to lick the spoon or bowl afterwards. Raw form is very potent! About 1/2 the size of a grain of rice will send you into outer space for 6-7 hours. Total time, about 4 hours to make including prep and cleanup. A pound will typically yield me about 20ml of raw RSO. This will last a loooong time. Keep in a cool dark place, and it will last for well over a year or so.
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