this is for everyone


Well-Known Member
Once. I think once is all you need to mess up. Maybe once soil, once hydro. Just try to suck in as much info as possible and take notes so you have that info on hand whenever a question arises. Think of what can go wrong and make sure you have an answer for it, but don't get too paranoid because you may create a problem yourself.


Well-Known Member
i didnt mess up mine...well when my garage burned down i lost my plant but that wan't my a couple months we'll see how my 2nd grow does


Well-Known Member
I messed up twice in soil,3 times in hydro due to me trying to make my own set ups without the right amount of knowledge.That was many moons ago,I started growing when I was 14.


Active Member
i've only done one dirt grow, and its just now in flowering, and my new aero grow, and I can't seem to stop screwin up. oh well, ill learn from it I guess, at least I hope!


I'm on my first grow ever. I'm using a homemade hydroponc system I constructed myself before I found this excellent forum. My grow must be being watched by grow gods because I think it's going great. Once I harvest I am going to rebuild my flood and drain system using info from these fine folks here at RIU!! but I sprouted a total of 32 seeds. They all grew fine but I killed the weaker ones and started flowering with 12 plants. Now my male/female ratio was bad plus some got blocked b bigger plants. End result is 2 fine females all sexy and hairy!! This is the only time I like my girls hairy!!
i started off with 10 seeds out of the whole 10 seeds only two doing mmm ok i guess, the plants not dead just slow. i think i can call this my fuck up for not putting the lights closer. well look like im going back to step one again.


Active Member
Hell I still fuck up sometimes.LOL I just learned to have many plants so I can constantly learn new techniques on some and stay with what I already know on others.