This is hell


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
That is the most dumbest grow box i have ever seen it should be burnt along with the stretched plants in the box


Well-Known Member
That is the funniest comment, the grow box suck but I had a way worse one when I was a teen!
Don't forget how dumb he was to post a video of it on the internet. Also, notice how he says it's $20 bucks all together and then every item he mentions just about costs $20 by itself.

monty Python

Active Member

$25 for a fire hazard. Not bad, not bad at all.
Im just a little concerned for the cat that 'likes to sleep on boxes'

Also, notice how he says it's $20 bucks all together and then every item he mentions just about costs $20 by itself.
Yeah, he paid $20 for 2 foot of the tubing. Twat.

~Omg, yes, he has, he definitley has.......... He has his water supply running along his light .....Dear oh dear....... oh dear.

He crazy. And he sounds a bit too queer for my liking.

Old stained rug - $1
Grow light - $10
Pc fan - $5
Water bottle - 10¢
Tubing - $20
Wall mart 'grow box' - 75¢
Grow pods - $4
2 timers - £5
Watching a cat fly across the room in a ball of flames...... Priceless