this is just rediculous


Well-Known Member
this dude probably never smoked a joint in his life

addicted to weed?


dont get me wrong im not saying you cant get mentally addicted to weed in a sense...

but addiction is when you have a compulsive and physical need to use something before you can be normal again, plus if you dont have it you go through withdrawl sickness


plus all the faggots who left comments are gay too


Well-Known Member
mentally addicited is still addicted
I think weed can be addictive, maybe not the same as crack or meth
But still in its own way addicting.
Just my thoughts on it.


in my opinion, weed is addictive.... just as anything else that is pleasurable; just not as bad as herion or crack. some people have "addictive personalities" and have a harder time quitting anything than other people.... i am currently quitting and i have to say that i do believe it is mildly addictive.... heres one of the "faggots" comments about the video...
CafeO07 (4 months ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam Reply

Cannabis withdraw symptoms:

-night sweats
-muscle cramping
-coughing up mucus
-stomach pains
-reduced appetite

**Bottom line = DONT EVEN START! ........

i dont agree with the "dont even start" part; but i am experiencing all of those symptoms except the cramps, chills, and stomach pain.... tell me there is no addiction.


Well-Known Member
yeah man weed is mentally addictive for sure ive experienced some of the withdrawls posted above ive been smoking allday everyday for about 5 years apart from a 2 week period when i tried to stop and had some of the most vivid terrifying nightmares ive ever had i couldnt eat as much as i used to, id get angry and cough shit up all the time. Weed is fantastic recreationally but when abused can be take a strong mental hold on you. I hope i can beat this addiction but remain a recreational smoker it doesnt look good though


Well-Known Member
in my opinion, weed is addictive.... just as anything else that is pleasurable; just not as bad as herion or crack. some people have "addictive personalities" and have a harder time quitting anything than other people.... i am currently quitting and i have to say that i do believe it is mildly addictive.... heres one of the "faggots" comments about the video...
CafeO07 (4 months ago) Show Hide
Marked as spam Reply

Cannabis withdraw symptoms:

-night sweats
-muscle cramping
-coughing up mucus
-stomach pains
-reduced appetite

**Bottom line = DONT EVEN START! ........

i dont agree with the "dont even start" part; but i am experiencing all of those symptoms except the cramps, chills, and stomach pain.... tell me there is no addiction.
Just like you said,anything that is pleasurable to the brain can become an addiction,Drinking can become addictive,eating,smoking cigarettes,watching tv,spend all day on RIU and the list goes on....
In my opinion,we are all addicted to something...:joint:


New Member
I wouldn't go as far as calling it ridiculous. I used to smoke everyday, and I did for about 3 years.. When I tried to quit, it was surprisingly one of the hardest things I've ever done. Even though it was mental, the mental part affected me physically. I stayed up all night unwillingly, didn't eat so much... But now I don't feel like I want to toke everyday anymore so I'm good. I think you should get a better understanding of the word addiction before you go sounding like an ass... and it is people like you who give weed a bad name..


Well-Known Member
i smoke everyday and before i started taking a acid reflex pill for a ulcer in my stomach, i had to smoke to eat and i'm always nauseous.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go as far as calling it ridiculous. I used to smoke everyday, and I did for about 3 years.. When I tried to quit, it was surprisingly one of the hardest things I've ever done. Even though it was mental, the mental part affected me physically. I stayed up all night unwillingly, didn't eat so much... But now I don't feel like I want to toke everyday anymore so I'm good. I think you should get a better understanding of the word addiction before you go sounding like an ass... and it is people like you who give weed a bad name..
Who are you talking to?


Well-Known Member
if im not mistaken, she was referring to the original poster; and agreeing with the rest of us....
Yeah I know.When I first started to talk on the forum I didn't know you could reply with the quote,That's why I was confused.:blsmoke::mrgreen:


New Member
It's just that I can't stand idiots who walk around acting as if weed doesn't effect you in any way... I mean, shit, there are people out there who have serious problems being addicted to sex. Every good thing has its downfalls if you don't respect it.


Well-Known Member
It's just that I can't stand idiots who walk around acting as if weed doesn't effect you in any way... I mean, shit, there are people out there who have serious problems being addicted to sex. Every good thing has its downfalls if you don't respect it.
Lol,I was going to say that too(sex addiction),but I thought you guys would think Im some kind of perv.