this is my Accidental Plant

new member here and my first post!
so in the beginning of the Spring, I was pulled aside and asked 'what is that?!'- about a plant "growing with all the other's".. a step back here, over the winter and all of last year I had some really crap buds, seeds seeds seeds. kept flicking em from the porch at night (CO winters are nuts and I have to smoke outside so..) and apparently knew of them landed right in the flower pot and grew with the other regular flowers and all.. I end up being allowed to keep it and transplanted it to the backyard pot, where it's been since.. gone through hailstorms, freezeout, raccoons and a freaking bear. hoping I am nearing the harvest season.. my huge question, can anyone identify the strain type? sativa or indica?
blessed be


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Impossible to tell the strain, but looks kinda sativa ish for sure

ahh thanks for the reply! I had better get used to this site, had no idea anyone actually wrote.
I am feeling it's nearing harvest time, and from my understanding, that time is when the ends of the leaves begin to sort of curl a little? the hairs are a but dark but idk if they are brown.. stickiest buds I've ever dealt with- and I've only been at the helms of growing because of my family. I now live with my wife and her family, who have absolutely nothing to do with cannabis. took a couple years for them to warm up to my use and interest.. and this being an accident plant, and I am completely by myself with taking care of it, I am wondering where to go from here now that I've gotten Violet (my plants name.. nothing purple about her either, I just named her that) to survive a major hail storm, raccoons, squirrels and a freaking bear. huge one too.. sorry for the novel, I guess what I'm trying to say is I am so nervous to even touch her, but I'm going to have to
ahh thanks for the reply! I had better get used to this site, had no idea anyone actually wrote.
I am feeling it's nearing harvest time, and from my understanding, that time is when the ends of the leaves begin to sort of curl a little? the hairs are a but dark but idk if they are brown.. stickiest buds I've ever dealt with- and I've only been at the helms of growing because of my family. I now live with my wife and her family, who have absolutely nothing to do with cannabis. took a couple years for them to warm up to my use and interest.. and this being an accident plant, and I am completely by myself with taking care of it, I am wondering where to go from here now that I've gotten Violet (my plants name.. nothing purple about her either, I just named her that) to survive a major hail storm, raccoons, squirrels and a freaking bear. huge one too.. sorry for the novel, I guess what I'm trying to say is I am so nervous to even touch her, but I'm going to have to
You got a long way to go still. Maybe an early December harvest. Where you at? If the weather gets too bad, you will have to chop early
Not wanting to start anything but I would not chop early you can cover it up through some hay around the bace of your lady there is a lot of ways to make it to when your lady is ready the choose is up to you as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
thanks for the tips guys! i should note I live in Colorado Springs, and will surely look into the covering it and keeping an eye out ect.. will take pics of Violet soon. tomorrow or so! write then!
as of last night.. had to bring her inside for a few more days, going to be insanely cold here.. anyways this is Johnny's Violet's update. haven't cut her down or anything, since I'm going to listen to you guys here. thanks so much for all the input!


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Wait, its in a pot? Then just bring it inside get a light and finish her there. TreT her for bugs too. That plants still got a long way to go. Good luck friend!
yeahh it's kind of a funny story- accidentally grew it with a bunch of vibrant flowers, from flicking seeds all winter.. well one got in and actually sprouted up. I'd say a good month or so, and then was placed in pot to finally a large one.. kept her in it since. had to add the chicken wire about four months? ago.. idk. anyways!, will update again
blessed be
here is the update of Johnny's Violet now, taken a couple hours ago.. had her back outside for a bit, and we somehow felt the need to bring her back inside the kitchen- so please ignore the kitchen and home life in the images, just showing the update from different angles.. also turned the kitchen light off and used the flash on the camera to really show the plant. anyways hope everyone is well!

and also- I am harvesting on Saturday, maybe Sunday, but am I too soon for this or?
blessed be


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