This is really startin to piss me off!!!


So this time I don't have a clue. Here's what I got.

Watering with PH'd water at 6.0 b/c tap was close to 8 and the soil is at 7 which makes me believe this is due to a lockout.

I am using Fox farms Grow Big at minimal amounts and have now stopped feeding them because I don't see much improvement, and I don't want the nutrients to become toxic.

My main concern is the little one. She's lime green with the leaves as you see them and a few rust looking spots on the middle leaves. Also it is growing pretty slow now compared to how the other ones grew. she's about 3 weeks now. sad.

The other two the stalks were cut by accident in a wrong attempt to top the plants and are barely starting to grow back. That was about two weeks ago.

Also the one had the leaves at the top canoeing upwards. Thought it might be heat so I raised the lights a little and nothing really. The other one had it a little but seemed to go away with a watering. Also tried foliar feeding with light nutes to see if the plant would take them since it seemed the roots wouldn't.

What could this be? PH problems? If so what means to fix? Im not tryin to lose them and they are growing very slow. This just flat out sucks right now but maybe i'm just paranoid and want perfect plants. But then again nothings perfect.

