This is showing up on all my plants,veg&bloom

Have you examined the top and underside of the leaf. Looks like thrips to me, google them. You should spray them with something like killermite, it works whereas most modern products from grow shops don’t these days. It’s not an organic type obviously, but treat mothers and cutting with it before they go into the flowering room. That way no chemicals when smoked.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I’ll check it out. In 10 yrs I’ve never had anything looking like this. From cuttings to blooming.. I’ve been battling deficiency’s in mid bloom that I’ve never before had too, not sure how many separate problems I’m dealing with honestly..10E0CB2C-6362-4FDC-A571-D8793B6AA124.jpeg
Two problems. I had deficiencies this year when I bought a batch of acidic soil from an actual grow shop. It gave me magnesium problems a few weeks in. I used calmag but was still affected. I bought a lot of this soil and had to try and amend the remainder I hadn’t used at the time with dolomite lime. It did help but it’s no good when soil ph is too low to start with. I was messing about testing different soils made specifically for this industry, most had a slightly low ph and I finally came away from synthetic soil and food and ditched them for organic types. Then I started using a blend of coco in with my soil, adding charge, bat guano and dolomite lime. Watered with enzymes at times and made the odd tea. The leaf shine is incredible and they don’t show a hint of nutrient problems ever. I don’t even feed hardly, unless the plants tell me to.
Give your plants a good flush first with a very weak solution of just bloom no boost and add a quarter strength of calmag. Don’t let them sit in it.


Well-Known Member
I just ordered some predatory mites from Bursting all over outdoor clones my stepfather had to buy from someone while I already had 9 plants vegging in my tent...

The leaves on his plants look just like that...and now mine are starting to as well. I tried to tell him. Stubborn old man never listens.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your responses I’ve had spider mites off and on over the years, and am Very experienced at seeing them. It’s thrips 100%. Never had any problems with them, till I STUPIDLY bought a plant in from outdoors that was already showing these signs! My ignorance of this infected my whole grow. Luckily I keep neem and azamax on hand for spider mites.