This is so cool!


Active Member
Alright guys. What's up. Lol. Heres the deal.. I got my plants out in the ground right now (13 of them) and all females! =] Ok. So they're forming buds, And its looks like they hairs are already turning red (I got these from a friend, So maybe they were growing for a while just in bad conditions? who knows..) and im all like wtf, These are the smallest plants I've ever seen. The buds are small, I don't think any nutes at all have been added to these. I need to figure this out -
1.If I don't use ANY nutes, How much will I yield per plant? (I know this is hard and you need a pic but I can't get one right now. It's dark.) Just try to give me a average.
The buds smell good..
2. Well, Can I bring these plants in my house if I get some CFL's and put them in my closet to grow? Thankss.

PalmDale Kush

Active Member
Alright guys. What's up. Lol. Heres the deal.. I got my plants out in the ground right now (13 of them) and all females! =] Ok. So they're forming buds, And its looks like they hairs are already turning red (I got these from a friend, So maybe they were growing for a while just in bad conditions? who knows..) and im all like wtf, These are the smallest plants I've ever seen. The buds are small, I don't think any nutes at all have been added to these. I need to figure this out -
1.If I don't use ANY nutes, How much will I yield per plant? (I know this is hard and you need a pic but I can't get one right now. It's dark.) Just try to give me a average.
The buds smell good..
2. Well, Can I bring these plants in my house if I get some CFL's and put them in my closet to grow? Thankss.
if there all ready starting to bud id leave them outside


Active Member
will the buds get bigger? theyre small, and so is the plant. It's not very tall maybe 2-2 1/2 ft? wierdd... How much should I yield[estimate please]


Active Member
Its going to fill out and bud but to me it sounds like you waited to long to plant not much you can do now.